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印第安納州印第安納州議會的經濟發展局周四收到綠燈花費1.22億美元購買大約1000英畝的土地作為刺激計劃的一部分,吸引全球半導體製造商印第安納州中部。州政府官員作證國家預算委員會的理由為主要支付約120000美元一英畝農田布恩縣農村地區吸引不明公司決定在印第安納州和另一個中西部州500億美元的半導體工廠。錢是來自一個5億美元的交易關閉基金批準州議員在今年的預算。土地的西南角跳躍區,計劃占地9000英畝的先進製造業中心沿著65號州際公路黎巴嫩北部和西部,根據國家官員。跳躍是一個縮寫“無限的探索/先進的步伐。“如果公司決定對印第安納州的交易,IEDC要麼追求另一個公司或轉讓資金投入周轉基金,可以用來購買土地的其他部分國家對於其他經濟發展項目,大衛·羅森伯格說IEDC首席運營官。禮來公司將作為錨定租戶的跳躍區,投資37億美元到藥品生產設施,預計將導致近700個新的工作崗位。民主黨議員持保留意見的水量需要支持地區和大規模的土地交易的風險,可能會通過如果公司決定找到其他地方的工廠。“如果交易不往前走,你有大量的資本在一個地方,你選擇了一個特別的理由,”眾議員埃德·德萊尼說,民主黨人從印第安納波利斯。羅森博格說,有幾家公司表示有興趣的飛躍。 “With what we know in the pipeline, we are extremely confident that parcel will be put into good use in these economies of the future that reflect what we’re trying to do at LEAP,” Rosenberg told lawmakers. Citizens Energy Group has agreed to supply the LEAP District with 6 million gallons of water per day by 2026 and 10 million gallons per day by 2027, although that number could be increased to 20 million gallons per day, Rosenberg said. That project, which would require infrastructure upgrades and 33 miles of new pipeline, is expected to cost $200 million. But 20 million gallons a day still wouldn’t be enough water to support the scale of advanced manufacturing IEDC officials are hoping for, experts say. That’s why the IEDC commissioned engineering and design studies to explore tapping into a Wabash River aquifer and transporting as much as 100 million gallons of water per day to the Boone County. The water would then be treated and piped into a tributary of the White River or the Eagle Creek Reservoir. “The Wabash is replenished by the Great Lakes, so as long as there’s water in the Great Lakes, there will be water in this aquifer,” Rosenberg said. Preliminary results from the engineering studies should be completed in the next month or two, he added. The committee also approved the IEDC’s request for $35 million in performance-based grants for an electric vehicle battery manufacturing operation locating in St. Joseph County; $10 million in grants to General Motors for their $632 million investments in its Fort Wayne Assembly plant; $16 million to acquire 290 acres of property in the LEAP District for a potential $3.2 billion data center; and $20.2 million to acquire 220 acres in Boone County for an INDOT interchange and upgrades to local roadway infrastructure in support of Eli Lilly’s planned expansion. Please enable JavaScript to view this content. Story Continues Below
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8/16/2022 |
格蘭特-二世 |
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6/20/2022 |
格蘭特 |
1/24/2019 |
格蘭特 |
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8/16/2022 |
6/20/2022 |
1/24/2019 |
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5/3/2023 |
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12/12/2022 |
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6/29/2022 |
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11/16/2021 |
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10/28/2020 |
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10/28/2020 |
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合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
業務合作夥伴 |
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美國,和比利時 |
新聞片段 |
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印第安納州的經濟發展有4 團隊成員,包括前首席財務官、高級副總裁馬特Kimmick。
的名字 |
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狀態 |
馬特Kimmick |
高級副總裁首席財務官 |
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的名字 |
馬特Kimmick |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
高級副總裁首席財務官 |
狀態 |
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