收購了 |收購缺失:易達利的產品演示和案例研究
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3/18/2017 |
4/18/2023 |
光伏發電、能量轉換、太陽能熱能,可再生能源,電力轉換 |
格蘭特 |
申請日 |
3/18/2017 |
授予日期 |
4/18/2023 |
標題 |
相關的話題 |
光伏發電、能量轉換、太陽能熱能,可再生能源,電力轉換 |
狀態 |
格蘭特 |
零售中心可以重新開發或升級分享:太(穀歌地圖)。(穀歌地圖)發表:|更新:2023年2月3日在42點。聖何塞-聖何塞的一大塊在著名的十字路口購物中心買了一個繁忙的房地產投資者已經一個活躍的球員在海灣地區商業屬性。太愉快的購物中心在聖何塞東部,位於角落的故事路和南白路,被易達利,收購一個附屬的範特隆,San Jose為基地業務和房地產經理,1月31日收到的文件顯示,聖克拉拉縣記錄器的辦公室。易達利支付約2130萬美元對大多數太愉快的購物中心,縣屬性文件。3000年到3098年的故事的中心地址,白色南路1105號,和1159年到1171年南白路公共房地產文檔。藥店是太愉快的購物中心的主力店的角落路和南白路在聖何塞的故事。易達利也從CTBC銀行獲得的1440萬美元貸款購買的時候。當地的地產集團由甘蔗因為一樣默不作聲。零售銷售中心易達利,縣文件顯示。太愉快的購物中心的錨定租戶CVS藥店藥房和FoodMaxx雜貨店。 However, the FoodMaxx store property, which is owned by an affiliate of Save Mart Supermarkets, wasn’t part of the purchase. The Intelli firm that’s headed up by Tron also is attempting an ambitious transformation of a former Sears store at Eastridge Center in San Jose. Tron hopes to reshape the shuttered department store in east San Jose as a Vietnamese indoor market, he told this news organization during an August 2022 interview around the time that Intelli bought the Sears retail site. “I plan to do an indoor market,” Tron said. “It would be like the indoor markets in Vietnam.” Tron’s group paid $24.8 million for the Sears store building. The indoor market would total 260,100 square feet, a project concept for the proposed redevelopment shows. The just-purchased Mt. Pleasant Shopping Center was being marketed for sale by Colliers commercial real estate brokers John Machado, John Kovaleski, Alex Kovaleski and Hilary Machado Monroe, according to a flyer that the agents circulated. Overall, the shopping center totals 132,600 square feet, including the FoodMaxx building, which is 44,900 square feet. The portion of the center that was bought totals 87,700 square feet, which includes the CVS drugstore, a store that totals 22,400 square feet. Other tenants in the section of the center that was bought include San Jose Blue Jeans and Fitness 19, the Colliers marketing brochure shows. The prior owners of Mt. Pleasant Shopping Center had crafted relatively short-term lease agreements, according to the Colliers agents. “Ownership intentionally has the majority of the tenant leases expiring in the next two to three years to allow the re-tenanting or redevelopment of this asset in the near term,” Colliers stated in the brochure. The large surface parking lot creates possible flexibility to add another retail building in the shopping center. It might also be possible for the new owner to bring in a wave of new tenants in the next few years, due to the plentitude. of short-term leases. “The Mount Pleasant Shopping center is a prime candidate for redevelopment or re-positioning,” Colliers stated.