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SucSEED Indovation基金、印度、天使基金專注於將技術創新市場和賈尼Ventures公司,加拿大,專注於早期投資承諾驅使的企業投資INR 2.75 Cr(~ 380美元)在Pvt Ltd Udbhata技術商業化和規模Qoris®ERM, Udbhata第一祭。Qoris®ERM (www.qoris.io)是Udbhata自營風險管理軟件解決方案關注全球非金融行業,有高度創新和first-in-class特性,比如對等分析儀與快速的新員工培訓,Qoris®客戶更快和更好的應對風險,並顯著提高他們的內部和外部利益相關者的信心。Udbhata從業者的第一種方法幫助他們了解如何幫助客戶成功Qoris®。在完成新員工培訓的第一個客戶,5月上市醫藥公司,Udbhata希望很快鎖定其第二個和第三個客戶。首席執行官Anand位於——Udbhata Udbhata合夥人Anand位於(CEO)和Vijaya Kiran Kuralla(技術總監)聯合45年以上的經驗風險,金融和技術領域。前CRO & CCO的大型企業,從業風險;Anand了解解決方案可以有效地解決組織的疼痛和提供價值。維賈伊,他的經驗在實施企業部署,將有助於規模Qoris全球®。Vijaya Kiran Kuralla,技術總監——Udbhata在他們為什麼投資Vikrant Varshney聯合創始人和合夥人SucSEED Indovation基金,說:“在這個時代改變規定,企業必須完全兼容,以減輕風險。按照大觀點研究的最新報告表明,集選區是一個400億美元的市場在2021年,準備到2030年的複合年增長率增長14 + %,Udbhata地位獨特,能夠破壞這個GRC段為非金融企業通過其即插即用解決方案。 Udbhata’s founders with their decades of experience in risk and regulatory compliance management, are well positioned to take advantage of this business potential across global markets and Asia Pacific region manifests the highest CAGR growth of 20.5% in next 5 years..” Parth Jani founder of Jani Ventures INC: “Our unconventional methodology in our investment decisions are based primarily on the technology offering a solution to a clear and present issue. Udbhata, with its unique (scalable, evolutionary & pivotable) GRC solution offering does, for a very under serviced segment of industry. We couple the business/commercial requirements with the arcane approach of analyzing the driving human component, their ability to visualize, strategize, execute, and deliver on metrics. Anand and Udbhata fit into our parameters not just as a silo investee but also as a symbiotic value add to our existing portfolio in India and the North American continent”. Speaking about the investment, Anand Sampath, CEO, Udbhata Technologies mentions that both investors are a perfect fit for the Company. General Partners of SucSEED come from Risk, Legal and Compliance background, so they appreciate what we are building and how rapidly it can be adapted. Jani Ventures can quickly take Udbhata to international markets such as North America. SucSEED and Jani Ventures not only appreciate our space, but also can help us scale Udbhata to its potential. As the Company’s TAM unfolds from $3 + Bn, Qoris® and its non-traditional product road-map begins unlocking for its Clients the benefit of automation, optimization (of Cost of Risk) and finally a truly integrated risk management solution – one that combines Governance, Intelligence and decision making in one seamless architecture.
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6/20/2022 |
種子風投 |
Udbhata技術 |
0.38美元 |
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6/15/2022 |
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3/24/2022 |
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9/28/2021 |
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6/20/2022 |
6/15/2022 |
3/24/2022 |
9/28/2021 |
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Udbhata技術 |
量 |
0.38美元 |
新的嗎? |
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