
Jose Cuervo博士



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8.83 b



關於Jose Cuervo博士

是一個的龍舌蘭酒生產商。也是第二大經銷商的精神在墨西哥,與投資組合覆蓋主要類別。等品牌Jose Cuervo博士特別珍藏de la Familia, Jose Cuervo博士Tradicional代表它參與的主要類別。


Guillermo岡薩雷斯Camarena Alvaro Obregon # 800



55 5258 7000

缺失:Jose Cuervo博士產品演示和案例研究



缺失:Jose Cuervo博士產品&微分器


最新的Jose Cuervo博士新聞

Jose Cuervo龍舌蘭酒慶祝生與凱文荷蘭的30周年,斯蒂芬·湯普森“不可思議”的廣告


艾薇劉這篇文章也可以在西班牙語。請使用上麵的切換標題切換語言。在西班牙訪問digiday.com/es閱讀更多的內容。墨西哥Jose Cuervo博士是第一個龍舌蘭酒的直接廣告UFC的知名品牌廣告中生戰士凱文•荷蘭Cuervo博士大使,斯蒂芬·湯普森“不可思議”。上個月發布的廣告,荷蘭和湯普森是在戰鬥中討論“後黨”後,布特;這兩個決定喝Cuevo Tradicional斯塔利。這個新運動標誌著生的30周年紀念日。我們采訪了著陸器Otegui,下月的精神,高級營銷副總裁Jose Cuervo博士,和英國人Santypal,終極格鬥冠軍賽的副總裁全球夥伴關係的激活,對電視廣告和為什麼這項運動贏得了西班牙球迷,特別是在與Cuervo博士合作的運動員大使布蘭登·莫雷諾,誰是第一個出生在墨西哥的終極格鬥冠軍賽冠軍。這次采訪濃縮和編輯已經清晰。是什麼促使Jose Cuervo博士參與品牌喜歡UFC嗎? Otegui: As a brand, we’re always seeking out opportunities where our tequila can kickstart friendships and bring people together. We recognized the camaraderie of UFC’s fan culture and saw it as a natural connector between our two brands. Within UFC, we see camaraderie shine through not only by the way fans come together to view fights, but also how the fighters come together outside the Octagon. Plus, we know a Cuervo Cristalino cocktail is the perfect way for fans to bring high energy to a UFC fight viewing. Why is the UFC’s partnership with a product like Jose Cuervo tequila so notable? Santypal: Cuervo, as a best-in-class brand and UFC’s first-ever official tequila partner, has taken the energy and excitement of our events to the next level, by successfully activating and being present during key UFC moments since the start of our partnership in 2021. In addition, our collaboration has provided multiple unique and engaging partnered content that deeply connects with both UFC and Jose Cuervo consumers and has increased brand exposure for both parties, while giving UFC the opportunity to reach a wider audience. What was the experience like working with UFC fighters Kevin Holland, Cuervo ambassador, and Stephen “Wonderboy” Thompson? Otegui: It has been a pleasure working with Kevin Holland as a Cuervo ambassador in recent years. His Grapple ad involvement wasn’t his first ad with Cuervo–just last year Kevin was featured in our Cinco de Mayo campaign “Tip it Forward”, where we encouraged consumers to show support to bartenders over the holiday. Since Kevin and Stephen just fought each other in December during a UFC Fight Night, it was great to see the ad embody their true friendship and friendly competition outside of the Octagon. How does this fit into Cuervo’s overall strategy with the UFC? Otegui: Our strategy is all about meeting UFC fans where they are — whether it’s at a fan experience ahead of a fight or on social media within content from their favorite fighters. In addition to our 360 digital and paid media strategy, we also prioritize in-person activations, such as supporting UFC fan fests and International Fight Week events. Another integral aspect of our partnership is our athlete ambassador program, where we work closely with fighters like Brandon Moreno and Kevin Holland to engage our fans, either through various forms of media, such as commercials or social content, but also by interacting directly with UFC super fans ahead of fights or through meet and greets in cities across the country. 01 Sponsored Produced in partnership with Marketecture The following article highlights an interview between Martin Kihn, Salesforce’s senior vice president of Marketing Cloud, and Ari Paparo, founder and CEO of Marketecture Media. Register to watch more of the discussion and learn how brands are making the most of enterprise-grade CDP technologies. As brands expand across channels and […]

Jose Cuervo博士常見問題(FAQ)

  • Jose Cuervo的總部在哪裏?

    Jose Cuervo博士的總部位於Guillermo岡薩雷斯Camarena # 800,聖達菲。

  • Jose Cuervo博士的最新一輪融資是什麼?

    Jose Cuervo博士的最新一輪融資是上市。




