貼在接下來誰投資誰,係列我們的分析,我們試圖說明三個例子的鏈不同公司之間的投資。照片:pexels尼克·卡斯伯特尼古拉斯開始他的職業生涯與英國諾丁漢特倫特大學在國際學生招聘。他已經在一係列理事會角色與機構和edtech公司在私營部門。他是一個著名評論員在高等教育行業當前的趨勢。接觸尼古拉斯在nickc@thepienews.com這個信息公開目錄Crunchbase實際上,許多他專業人士、企業家和投資聯係的領導人將不知道這個行業。這些文章旨在提供指導我們的讀者了解更多。他們不包括投資和時間我們將鼓勵有興趣進一步研究更廣泛的因素的投資模式。ETS ETS ETS的戰略資本是企業發展部門,世界上最大的私人教育考試和評估公司。作為一個非盈利組織它使用過剩資本投資與創新公司和合作夥伴推進全球教育。作為風險資本基金,隻關注教育部門可以設想戰略之間的聯係公司在他們的投資組合,但我們無法證實跨公司的支持。 The ETS investment portfolio includes some of the hottest disruptors in the sector: Multi-platform HE provider, study abroad and employability services As is common with venture capital investment, many of the companies backed by ETS has attracted large amounts of total investment from a wide range of firms to amass substantial funds. These include UpGrad ($668.2m), MPOWER Financing ($525m), ApplyBoard ($491.2m) and Degreed ($462.7m). ETS has also reportedly led a new funding round in study abroad platform and ApplyBoard competitor, LeverageEdu. The org-chart below outlines a section of the ecosystem, where you can see how the companies ETS has chosen to invest in, also make their own strategic investments and acquisitions. Many readers will be able to deduce which of these private companies has former public sector partnerships with universities and colleges. We have also highlighted the funding link between ETS and MPOWER Financing which in turn works with a wide range of partners who now use its student finance products. For example Studyportals announced a deal with MPOWER Financing to offer financial support for students. While this is not a direct investment, we feel it is interesting in highlighting how ETS funding enables strategic partnerships further down the line, even passing to students in the form of finance. This is a snapshot diagram to illustrate a few connections, and the full map of investment and partnerships is far greater. Inflexion and Times Higher Education In 2019 Times Higher Education was separated out from the wider TES Global business and acquired by Inflexion , a mid-market private equity firm, investing in high growth businesses, for an undisclosed fee. Inflexion is not a specialist in the education sector and has a wide ranging investment portfolio that includes everything from insurance companies to roofing firms. Since the acquisition however, the newly independent THE business entity has been able to debt-fund £5 million via ThinCats to support a series of strategic acquisitions itself. The Times Higher Education investment portfolio includes: Platform on graduate business school content While some detractors of corporate acquisitions highlight concerns about asset stripping, the additions from THE appear to be part of a wider, holistic strategy to complement the whole business including insights and consultancy, rankings and leveraging audience segments. In addition to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, two newer platforms have been created by THE in the form of THE Student and THE Counsellor. The acquisition of Poets & Quants, Inside Higher Ed and BMI Global all cross-feed content, commercial opportunity and new audiences to these new platforms and the heavy organic traffic created by the university rankings. Through debt-financing THE has managed to make a series of strategic acquisitions in recent years. Kaplan Our final example is Kaplan Inc., the largest subsidiary of holdings group Graham Holdings Company , formerly known as The Washington Post Company. In recent years Kaplan has made a series of acquisitions to keep pace with the increased digitisation of education. While these companies continue to operate in their own right, it is possible to link the expertise and technology they offer in digital teaching, accreditation, application, exam prep, adaptive learning and compliance proctoring to the development of Kaplan’s own products. The Kaplan investment portfolio includes:
TestU提供在線標準化考試準備材料。公司提供基於web的考試準備課程幫助學生準備課程坐,PSAT,行動,mca, FCAT,紐約州攝政,俄亥俄州的畢業考試,和MEAP。這是總部設在紐約,紐約。
QA培訓在美國是一個在線培訓課程提供者。它提供了麵向作業軟件培訓和就業援助等QA, QTP, ETL測試,手機應用程序測試,等等。它提供instructor-based活在網上的虛擬課堂培訓與主題專家通過定製的培訓項目。它成立於2005年,位於市郊區,格魯吉亞。
Hack.Diversityis a program of the NEVCA that provides diversity consulting and training for hiring companies and provides engineers with training, coaching, and mentoring - positioning both employer and employee for long-term success. Hack.Diversity was founded in 2016 and is based in Boston, Massachusetts.