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善良的同事交換物質享受的混凝土地板到支持無家可歸者慈善從左到右:西蒙•Hatchman Charlene柯蒂斯和約書亞·英格拉姆。前麵左至右:Marco Cardoni艾瑪Macnish和艾麗卡梅爾斯在萊斯特城足球俱樂部球場國王權力。善良的同事們PA住房籌集超過£2000年放棄一個晚上的床上運動的支持在萊斯特幫助無家可歸的人。六個慈善冠軍從社會住房提供者交換他們的物質享受的混凝土地板萊斯特城足球俱樂部國王權力體育場作為基督教青年會的萊斯特第一次睡眠容易倡議。執行董事西蒙Hatchman資源,艾瑪·Macnish主任人,艾麗卡邁爾斯,人力資源運營經理,Charlene柯蒂斯,收入團隊經理,喬什·英格拉姆,內部招聘人員,和馬可Cardoni通信下級軍官,加入其他50籌款活動參與活動。他們打碎了他們最初的目標提高£250,收集一個令人印象深刻的£2281的讚助。所有資金通過事件有利於當地的年輕人和成年人經曆無家可歸,使基督教青年會萊斯特繼續運行,重要的是,擴大其服務至關重要。這包括提供安全支持住房無家可歸的第16 - 25歲的年輕人,以及心理健康支持,和個性化的技能課程,幫助他們與他們的生活積極前進。慈善機構也提供了一個安全、舒適的環境在YASC所有年齡段的無家可歸者,向他們提供家庭舒適如一杯茶,早餐和幹淨的衣服,以及找到合適的住宿建議和支持貧困心理健康等問題,失業和孤獨。人主任艾瑪Macnish PA住房,說:“睡眠容易事件是一個極其令人羞辱的經曆對我們所有人來說,另一個將留在我們的記憶很長一段時間。 “Although we knew that giving up our beds for one night wouldn’t replicate the harsh reality experienced by people who sleep rough across the county, we really wanted to play a part in helping to improve the lives of those who face that challenge on a nightly basis. “At PA Housing we are passionate about our community, so it was great to be able to extend our commitment to helping those in need beyond the working day and support the incredible work carried out by YMCA Leicestershire.” Emma Knight, fundraising and communications manager at YMCA Leicestershire, added: “The PA Housing team showed great camaraderie sleeping outside at the stadium and generating an incredible level of donations, which will make a big difference to people experiencing homelessness. “They genuinely care about their local community and we couldn’t have wished for a better bunch of people to help make our first ever Sleep Easy such a buzzing success.” Since its launch in 2010, 7,000 people across the country have taken part in YMCA’s national Sleep Easy campaign, raising over £1.5 million to fund local YMCA services. A message from the Editor: Thank you for reading this story on our news site - please take a moment to read this important message: As you know, our aim is to bring you, the reader, an editorially led news site and magazine but journalism costs money and we rely on advertising, print and digital revenues to help to support them. With the Covid-19 pandemic having a major impact on our industry as a whole, the advertising revenues we normally receive, which helps us cover the cost of our journalists and this website, have been drastically affected. As such we need your help. If you can support our news sites/magazines with either a small donation of even £1, or a subscription to our magazine, which costs just £33.60 per year, (inc p&P and mailed direct to your door) your generosity will help us weather the storm and continue in our quest to deliver quality journalism. As a subscriber, you will have unlimited access to our web site and magazine. You'll also be offered VIP invitations to our events, preferential rates to all our awards and get access to exclusive newsletters and content. Just click here to subscribe and in the meantime may I wish you the very best. Share
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國王權力有1 團隊成員,包括當前的執行副總裁,Niphon Raksriaksorn。
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