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188bet游戏CB Insights情報分析師在今年的報告中提到了韓國投資證券公司1 188bet游戏CB Insights研究簡報,最近在2020年8月6日.
韓國投資證券公司(Korea Investment & Securities)卷入了一場爭議,原因是一家總部位於首爾的金融科技初創公司稱,在建立前者的網絡交易係統方麵簽訂了一份“不公平和具有欺騙性”的合同。此次爭議的焦點是,2021年1月,該經紀公司在Indexmine上進行了價值10億韓元的股權投資。據Indexmine報道,根據合同,這家初創公司為證券公司的平台部門開發了這項服務,但此後沒有得到適當的補償。Indexmine代表樸相宇表示:“當時,韓國投資證券提出支付開發和運營費用,我們接受了提議,並簽署了合同。”但這家證券公司後來拒絕這樣做。在2021年和2022年,我們沒有獲得任何經濟獎勵。該公司突然改變了立場,說我們隻能為證券公司專門工作,沒有要求支付任何運營相關費用。”Indexmine的創始人最終發送了一份法律文件,要求經紀公司的審計團隊監督平台部門的任何不公平商業行為。他表示:“但是收到了‘如果向公平交易委員會或金融監督院舉報,就會提起訴訟’的威脅短信。”“審計組無視我們的要求,與平台部門合作。” Park also argued that the securities firm launched a web trading system service with KakaoBank in December, which contains ideas and technological elements that Indexmine presented to Korea Investment & Securities. "The brokerage house took business secrets from us and cut us off in the end," he said. With both sides failing to iron out their difference, Indexmine reported the case to the FTC in December 2022. It is still under review by the watchdog's dispute resolution committee. "But when a report was released earlier this year that Indexmine reported Korea Investment & Securities to the FTC, the firm's audit team contacted us, so we submitted relevant evidence ― including documents, mobile messages and voice recordings," he said. "But it was futile this time again. The team pretended to conduct an inspection with a neutral attitude only after the issue was reported by a local media outlet. We requested the audit team to get the facts straight, and let us know if we have made any false arguments, but it has not refuted us at all." The startup also brought the case to the FSS on Feb. 12 under the judgment that the company cannot make a settlement with the securities firm without third-party intervention. "To resolve the problem, we have earnestly appealed to the Korea Investment & Securities' platform division, audit team and management multiple times in the past year," Park said. "But the company inflicted additional damage on us by unfairly canceling the contract and sending threatening messages. We are waiting for responses from the FTC and the FSS." The securities firm, however, said it has not engaged in any sort of business malpractice under the contract with Indexmine. The brokerage house refuted the startup's argument, saying that Indexmine was "too demanding" and has repeatedly made requests that extend beyond the scope of the contract since establishing the partnership. "All the problems arose as the company demanded excessively beyond what was stated in the contract," a spokesman at the securities firm said, declining to comment further, due to the ongoing review. "We are awaiting the settlement result from the FTC."
韓國投資證券公司56歲的投資.他們最新的投資已經到位扔作為他們的一部分係列G - III在2022年11月11日.
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
11/30/2022 |
係列G - III |
扔 |
405美元 |
是的 |
17 |
8/19/2022 |
D係列 |
Trenbe |
26.17美元 |
沒有 |
1 |
8/16/2022 |
一個係列 |
LD碳 |
14.11美元 |
是的 |
神的合作夥伴,韓國投資證券,Pentastone投資,未披露的投資者,而且價值體係投資管理 |
2 |
7/27/2022 |
B係列 |
6/24/2022 |
C係列 |
日期 |
類型 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
新聞片段 |
來源 |
9/27/2022 |
合作夥伴 |
美國 |
與Stifel Financial Corp.的戰略合作使KIS和Stifel Financial Corp.能夠更好地為客戶服務,並將兩家公司的觸角延伸到新的市場。 |
3. |
1/12/2022 |
合作夥伴 |
5/31/2019 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
日期 |
9/27/2022 |
1/12/2022 |
5/31/2019 |
類型 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
美國 |
新聞片段 |
與Stifel Financial Corp.的戰略合作使KIS和Stifel Financial Corp.能夠更好地為客戶服務,並將兩家公司的觸角延伸到新的市場。 |
來源 |
3. |
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