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利用潛力:科技副產品在荷蘭大學創業的障礙——大學在他們的股票的比例分割的爭論點,經常阻礙這些新興企業的發展。分析荷蘭KU魯汶大學,盡管他們的實力在科技密集型的研究中,應對的挑戰,培養成功的科技產物。而荷蘭的研究,它落後於英國,德國、瑞士和法國在創造成功的科技產物。這些副產品的增長速度是緩慢的,隻有48%的人使用超過10員工十年後《盜夢空間》。荷蘭大學啟動了標準化的交易條款,使轉化過程更加透明;盡管挑戰,在荷蘭有口袋的進步科技周邊景觀,像新協議條款;KU魯汶大學是歐洲最具創新精神的連續四年以135分拆公司股權和股票:股份的比例平衡大學宣稱在他們的分拆的爭論點,經常阻礙這些新興企業的發展。初創企業,放棄大學超過10%的股票往往被視為利潤較低,可以阻止潛在的投資者。作為回應,荷蘭大學啟動了標準化的交易條款的派生過程更加透明。這些協議對轉讓知識產權的各種選項,包括股本包和許可協議。 Nonetheless, striking the right balance between the universities’ involvement, which builds trust, and the allocation of shares, remains a complex task. Support Us! I hereby agree to the Privacy Policy The road to more successful spin-offs: What needs to change in the Netherlands? We wrote about it before; despite the Netherlands’ strong position in deep-tech research, the impact of spin-offs lags behind other European countries. Case in Point: The Cradle Conundrum Highlighting the intricacies of this issue is the case of Cradle, a Dutch start-up that chose to work with US universities due to the difficulties of collaborating with Dutch institutions. This scenario underscores the need for Dutch universities to foster a more conducive environment for their local spin-offs, to prevent them from seeking partnerships abroad. Spurring Growth: The Role of Venture Capital and Innovation Despite these challenges, there are pockets of progress in the Dutch tech spin-off landscape. Round One Ventures, a new venture capital fund, aims to support student start-ups, while ReCarbn, a spin-off from the University of Twente, is one of the first companies to spin out with the new deal terms. Nevertheless, the process of spinning out remains slow due to extensive paperwork and the requirement for detailed forecasts. Simplifying funding processes and providing initial grants could accelerate the path to commercialisation, leading to more efficient and effective application of scientific research. Challenges of university spin-offs in the Netherlands: growth potential vs. obstacles A 3D body scanner set to take the world by storm. Vaccination without needles. Sensors that monitor building fatigue cracks. Just some examples of innovations from university spin-offs. Lessons from Leuven: A Belgian Success Story While Dutch universities grapple with these issues, their Belgian counterpart, KU Leuven, stands as an exemplar of successful spin-off creation . Named Europe’s most innovative university for four consecutive years, KU Leuven boasts 135 spin-off companies, demonstrating that successful spin-offs are achievable with the right support and infrastructure. One of the university’s success stories is ArtiQ, an AI-based software company that supports doctors in diagnosing and treating respiratory illnesses. The company’s founders benefitted from KU Leuven’s Spin-off and Innovation Department, which provided expertise in collaborative agreements, business development, funding, and intellectual property. The Road Ahead: Fostering a Sustainable Ecosystem The comparison between the Dutch and Belgian university spin-off landscapes underscores the importance of fostering a supportive ecosystem for spin-offs. Such an ecosystem offers not just financial support but also provides guidance in business development, collaborative agreements, intellectual property, and access to a network of experienced entrepreneurs and investors. As universities strive to bridge the gap between invention and commercialisation, the role of university spin-offs becomes increasingly crucial in advancing living standards and securing a bright future. In the Netherlands and indeed across Europe, the journey to harnessing the full potential of tech spin-offs has only just begun.
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新的嗎? |
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來源 |
1/25/2023 |
B係列 |
倒帶療法 |
沒有 |
6 |
8/31/2022 |
種子風投 |
方麵分析 |
1.8美元 |
是的 |
1 |
8/25/2022 |
種子風投 |
AstriVax |
29.9美元 |
是的 |
3 |
5/12/2022 |
C係列 |
11/2/2021 |
種子風投 |
日期 |
1/25/2023 |
8/31/2022 |
8/25/2022 |
5/12/2022 |
11/2/2021 |
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B係列 |
種子風投 |
種子風投 |
C係列 |
種子風投 |
公司 |
倒帶療法 |
方麵分析 |
AstriVax |
量 |
1.8美元 |
29.9美元 |
新的嗎? |
沒有 |
是的 |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
6 |
1 |
3 |
日期 |
類型 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
新聞片段 |
來源 |
6/6/2023 |
合作夥伴 |
塞內加爾 |
1 |
1/16/2023 |
合作夥伴 |
比利時,和挪威 |
挪威奧斯陸魯汶和安特衛普,比利時,1月16日,2023:CEPI,聯盟流行防範創新,已進入戰略夥伴關係與比利時魯汶大學KU和安特衛普大學的。 |
1 |
4/5/2022 |
合作夥伴 |
比利時 |
VIB——歐洲空間生物學中心(ESBC):最先進的空間生物學服務啟用在魯汶的規模 歐洲空間生物學中心的合作關係建立的獨特的生態係統KU魯汶和VIB將另外促進小說空間的發展和商業化multi-omics技術,並進一步鼓勵科學研究機構之間的合作,製藥和生物技術公司,在本地和全國範圍。 |
1 |
3/14/2022 |
合作夥伴 |
2/24/2022 |
合作夥伴 |
日期 |
6/6/2023 |
1/16/2023 |
4/5/2022 |
3/14/2022 |
2/24/2022 |
類型 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
塞內加爾 |
比利時,和挪威 |
比利時 |
新聞片段 |
挪威奧斯陸魯汶和安特衛普,比利時,1月16日,2023:CEPI,聯盟流行防範創新,已進入戰略夥伴關係與比利時魯汶大學KU和安特衛普大學的。 |
VIB——歐洲空間生物學中心(ESBC):最先進的空間生物學服務啟用在魯汶的規模 歐洲空間生物學中心的合作關係建立的獨特的生態係統KU魯汶和VIB將另外促進小說空間的發展和商業化multi-omics技術,並進一步鼓勵科學研究機構之間的合作,製藥和生物技術公司,在本地和全國範圍。 |
來源 |
1 |
1 |
1 |