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韓地區銀行貸款組合增長的加入與fintechs 2023.06.14 10:12:02 | 2023.06.14 10:14:37接收機(由追尋)韓國當地銀行在城市地區正麵臨著嚴重的老化,迫切希望吸引年輕客戶和fintech公司正在試圖獲得金融資源,加快其外部增長,導致兩個行業之間的界限模糊,擴大合作的領域需要對齊。根據金融部門周二,5個地區銀行正在進入一個fintech公司貸款的交換平台一個接一個。DBG大邱銀行BNK Kyongnam銀行和光州銀行加入了扔支付有限公司,緊隨其後的是本月BNK釜山銀行和Jeonbuk銀行。追尋已完成貸款比較服務與5名當地合作銀行和Naver金融集團正準備注冊當地銀行,從Jeonbuk銀行。這是五大商業銀行相比,它們對fintechs隸屬於Naver Corp .)等大型科技公司Kakao Corp .)和投擲。“許多商業銀行或說不困難,但是當地銀行有一個堅強的意誌相互配合實現所需的結果,“一個fintech業內人士說。追尋,發起了一項上個月loan-to-own服務結束時,一位借款人了4500萬韓元(35377美元)以16%的年利率從Acuon儲蓄銀行成功地轉向了一種貸款產品從光州銀行年利率8.13%。“當地銀行產品具有良好的利率和貸款限製將一個接一個,“追尋一名官員說。“預計借款人的數量從第二個金融行業第一個金融部門將會增加。“本地銀行之間的兼容性和fintechs明顯放貸的性能。從今年年初到上個月,五大本地銀行注冊扔借給6694億韓圓,上漲151%,從去年同期4436億韓元。 In the first quarter this year, the total number of loan commitments made with the five largest regional banks on FINDA was 13,984, more than doubling from last year’s total of 6,205. The amount of local bank loan commitments in the first quarter was more than 2.3 times last year’s volume, and jumped 10 times compared with 2021. “Local banks are increasing the portfolio of financial products they offer to fintechs after experiencing the power of attracting customers in their 20s and 30s,” said a local bank official. BNK Busan Bank [Courtesy of BNK Busan Bank] Busan Bank plans to launch a house lease guaranteed loan comparison service with KakaoPay Corp. this month. It is also working with fintechs to strengthen its “currency wallet” service that allows users to change and store foreign exchange. Daegu Bank plans to supply mortgage products to Toss in addition to credit loans. Some analysts say that local banks are making breakthroughs by building a united front with fintech companies as they struggle with prudential management issues. Local banks, which are at a disadvantage in terms of sales power compared with commercial banks, have been increasing lending to middle-income earners for several years, but concerns about deteriorating balance sheets have increased in the wake of the recent economic downturn as the risk of non-performing loans to small- and medium-sized enterprises and loans related to real estate and construction have emerged. In fact, the delinquency rate of the five largest regional banks in the first quarter, Jeonbuk Bank had the highest at 1.19 percent, followed by DBG Daegu Bank at 0.54 percent, Kwangju Bank at 0.46 percent, and BNK Busan Bank and BNK Kyongnam Banks at 0.33 percent. Compared with 0.2-0.57 percent of the same period the previous year, the delinquency rate has doubled and is significantly different from the delinquency rate of the five largest commercial banks with 0.2-0.34 percent. Kwangju Bank’s first joint loan with Toss Bank is a good example of the cooperation between local banks and internet banks. In particular, Kwangju Bank highly appreciated Toss Bank‘s credit scoring model, which includes more than 42 percent of loans to low- and middle-income creditors. Jeonbuk Bank is conducting data cooperation utilizing Naver Financial’s non-financial data. The bank is expected to use non-financial data, including Naver Pay payment history, to develop loan products aimed at thin filers who lack financial transaction history. [ⓒ Pulse by Maeil Business News Korea & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved] WED