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。新聞分享這篇文章提供的具有裏程碑意義的通知2022生殖醫學大會我們正在幫助改變生育和懷孕早期護理通過應用高度發達,具有成本效益的移動成像技術。”——Liteng徐,LinkMed首席執行官洛杉磯CA,美國,10月20日2022 / EINPresswire.com——第一次在美國女性獲得家庭和在職醫療監測生育和懷孕早期,由於開創性醫療初創公司——LinkMed的形成。移動醫療解決方案的代表聯係,Inc . (LinkMed)具有裏程碑意義的科學大會宣布在2022年10月美國生殖醫學協會(ASRM)在阿納海姆,加利福尼亞州。新公司,被稱為LinkMed (https://www.linkmed-inc.com),成為全國第一個提供遠程醫學成像監測一個女人的生育和懷孕早期狀態——服務從未在美國生殖醫學領域。該公司將執行的具體性和血液從病人的安慰自己的家庭或其他設置,比如在職的辦公室,方便患者。“我們正在幫助改變生育和懷孕早期護理通過應用高度發達,具有成本效益的移動成像技術給臨床醫生信息更為可靠的從傳統的方法和係統,獲得“LinkMed CEO Liteng徐說。“我們的移動技術創造更清晰,高質量掃描更多的診斷價值。“LinkMed軟件平台也為基礎發展的一個新的、強大的應用程序連接生育和懷孕患者臨床提供者,超級連接其司機和乘客,徐說。“醫生能夠使用這個平台做筆記對成像結果和警報的病人。 Patients, too, can access the software to comment on findings and query their providers.” As an at-home diagnostic provider, LinkMed employs skilled phlebotomists and accredited, registered diagnostic medical sonographers who specialize in fertility and pregnancy assessment in remote locations. Patients have the option of making appointments online, by phone, or by email. After the scanning is performed, the platform sends results via email to both patients and their doctors and stores the information in a secure LinkMed portal, readily accessible to patients. The company is entering a global fertility market where demand in general for convenient, portable, and remote medical technology and services is growing exponentially. A recent industry report from Mordor Intelligence attributes this demand as one reason for the mobile imaging market’s forecasted annual compound growth rate of 5.1 percent between now and 2027. Earlier this year (2022), growth strategy consulting firm Frost & Sullivan indicated mobile medical systems offer “rapid, accurate, and effective diagnosis…with the ability to improve patients’ health outcomes.” Other experts cite the safety and flexibility in scheduling of mobile imaging technology. LinkMed’s entry into the mobile imaging market taps an unmet need among U.S. patients requiring fertility and pregnancy monitoring, Xu said. The company currently offers four major areas of service: • Assessment of patients who desire to know their current fertility status. Such information is particularly useful for potential egg donors, cancer patients, and those considering the possibility of invitro fertilization (IVF). • In-cycle IVF monitoring because IVF patients, including surrogates, must undergo regular monitoring for the duration of their cycle. • Post-operative evaluation of patients who have undergone a fertilization procedure, such as egg retrieval or transfer. • Monitoring of early pregnancies – up to 14 weeks gestation. • Because proper fertility monitoring involves both scanning and blood assessment, LinkMed offers same-day, at-home blood draws and testing. The blood is evaluated for hormone levels to ensure the best chances of a successful pregnancy. Although LinkMed now serves only California and bordering cities in Nevada, representatives indicate the company is positioned to grow rapidly to other parts of the country, beginning in 2023. Link Mobile Medical Solution, Inc., doing business as LinkMed, is the first provider of at-home mobile medical imaging for fertility and early pregnancy patients in the U.S. Although LinkMed pregnancy monitoring currently ends at 14 weeks, gestation, the company plans eventually to expand its services to address all obstetrics and gynecology needs. https://www.linkmed-inc.com Geoffrey Hawes
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Linkmed有1 團隊成員,包括前首席運營官,Agneta Edberg。
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Agneta Edberg |
Viatris,Recopharma,Bactiguard,輝瑞,法瑪西亞公司,Pharmacia & Upjohn,和獵戶座公司 |
首席運營官 |
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Agneta Edberg |
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Viatris,Recopharma,Bactiguard,輝瑞,法瑪西亞公司,Pharmacia & Upjohn,和獵戶座公司 |
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