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分享這篇文章提供的新聞本文全球光纖光纜市場份額預計將從665.4億年的2021美元增長到899.1億年的2022美元,複合年增長率(CAGR)的35.1%。T市場預計在2026年達到2275.4億美元的CAGR為26.1%。亞太地區是最大的光纖電纜市場在2021年。北美第二大地區光纖電纜市場。這份報告的地區覆蓋亞太地區,西歐、東歐、北美、南美、中東和非洲。需求增加更高的帶寬和更快的速度連接將提高光纜的增長市場。有一個企業和個人對高帶寬的需求激增,由於增加了視頻通話使用互聯網,玩遊戲,網上購物,和社交媒體。光纖電纜使用光傳輸數據而不是電,以便它可以加強和加快能夠處理更高帶寬的網絡連接。例如,4 k超高定義(UHD)電視家庭消耗大約15 Mbps的數據比平原三倍高清電視。到2022年,據估計,大約62%的連接平板電視機將4 k。這種關注不斷增長的高帶寬需求增加視頻消費。 Thus, rising demand for faster speed connections and higher bandwidth is driving the fiber optic cable market's growth. The increase in the adoption of wireless communication systems is expected to limit the growth of the fiber optic cable market. In recent years, demand for wireless services increased exponentially. The emergence of new technologies such as the internet of things (IoT) has increased the adaption of wireless communication systems. For instance, mobile technologies and services generated $4.1 trillion in economic value added (4.7 percent of global GDP) in 2019. In 2020, the number of global smartphone users is forecasted to total 3.5 billion, registering a 9.3 percent increase from 2019. Therefore, the high usage of wireless communication systems is hindering the growth of the fiber optic cable market. The technological advancement in the fiber optic cable is a key trend driving the growth of the fiber optic cable market. Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) is the recent technological improvement in the fiber cables. Wavelength division multiplexing is a technique of multiplexing the number of optical carrier signals through a single optical fiber channel by varying the wavelengths of laser lights. WDM allows communication in all directions in fiber cable. WDMs are used on a single optical fiber to blend light signals coming from different optical fibers. This is attained by using a coupler at the WDM input. In 2023, Asia-pacific is expected to be the fastest growing market for WDMs and multiple companies in China such as ZG Technology, Optic Network Technology, are the leading manufacturers and suppliers of WDMs. Scope 2) By Application: Telecom; Oil & Gas; Military & Aerospace; BFSI; Medical; Imaging; Railway; Others 3) By Type: Glass Optical Fiber; Plastic Optical Fiber Key Topics Covered: 3. Fiber Optic Cable Market Trends And Strategies 4. Impact Of COVID-19 On Fiber Optic Cable 5. Fiber Optic Cable Market Size And Growth 6. Fiber Optic Cable Market Segmentation 7. Fiber Optic Cable Market Regional And Country Analysis 8. Asia-Pacific Fiber Optic Cable Market 9. China Fiber Optic Cable Market 10. India Fiber Optic Cable Market 11. Japan Fiber Optic Cable Market 12. Australia Fiber Optic Cable Market 13. Indonesia Fiber Optic Cable Market 14. South Korea Fiber Optic Cable Market 15. Western Europe Fiber Optic Cable Market 16. UK Fiber Optic Cable Market 17. Germany Fiber Optic Cable Market 18. France Fiber Optic Cable Market 19. Eastern Europe Fiber Optic Cable Market 20. Russia Fiber Optic Cable Market 21. North America Fiber Optic Cable Market 22. USA Fiber Optic Cable Market 23. South America Fiber Optic Cable Market 24. Brazil Fiber Optic Cable Market 25. Middle East Fiber Optic Cable Market 26. Africa Fiber Optic Cable Market 27. Fiber Optic Cable Market Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles 29. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Fiber Optic Cable Market 29. Fiber Optic Cable Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis Companies Mentioned
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業務合作夥伴 |
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新聞片段 |
來源 |
6/8/2023 |
合作夥伴 |
韓國 |
新的LS大東合作係統和韓華公司旨在確保安全在當地的工業環境。 |
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2/23/2023 |
合作夥伴 |
12/8/2022 |
客戶端,和供應商 |
10/21/2022 |
客戶端,和供應商 |
5/27/2021 |
合作夥伴 |
日期 |
6/8/2023 |
2/23/2023 |
12/8/2022 |
10/21/2022 |
5/27/2021 |
類型 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
客戶端,和供應商 |
客戶端,和供應商 |
合作夥伴 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
韓國 |
新聞片段 |
新的LS大東合作係統和韓華公司旨在確保安全在當地的工業環境。 |
來源 |
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AESA Cortaillod有線電視測量係統和質量績效服務提供商。它提供了線性電阻測量,測量通信電纜,電纜測試和認證課程。公司的主要產品有質量數據管理係統、測量設備和其他物品。公司成立於1978年,位於Bevaix瑞士。
安費諾光纖係統國際(AFSI)是一個完整的服務光纖公司從事製造和生產光纖連接產品和係統。公司致力於技術卓越的目標是讓我們的行業領袖提供先進的產品和專業的光纖行業的技術援助。AFSI旨在提供解決方案基於光纖通信係統互連技術。TFOCA-II、M83522 M29504, M28876軍事市場的全球標準。擁有超過100名員工,目前AFSI位於一個50000平方英尺的設施,在艾倫的核心電信走廊中,德克薩斯州達拉斯北部。自1993年成立以來,AFSI並將繼續其公司戰略在技術和應用支持,質量保證,產品性能和價值。