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悉尼,澳大利亞數字文檔設計啟動Qwilr籌集725萬美元,關閉一係列AirTree領導的一輪融資企業和跳過資本,隨著Typeform的聯合創始人羅伯特•穆尼奧斯5月4日發布的一份公司聲明中顯示。現有投資者9點資本,右鍵單擊資本和Macdoch企業也參加了。而宣布5月4日Qwilr創始人兼首席運營官馬克唐納告訴SmartCompany一輪融資COVID-19流行病的傳播之前被關閉。啟動之前已經籌集了200萬美元的種子輪由點9 2017年4月,在收到100000美元和530000美元的種子資金分別於2014年和2015年從悉尼種子基金。最新的融資,Qwilr總資金達925萬美元,據Crunchbase實際上數據。最新的資金將用於加速Qwilr向美國和歐洲的擴張,在開發自己的產品和獲得新的人才。“我們開始有六個員工在美國和計劃以北20人,主要在銷售和市場營銷,到今年年底,”坦納告訴Crunchbase實際上。成立於2014年由前穀歌員工坦納和他的童年朋友迪倫Baskind,啟動使用戶能夠創建銷售和營銷文檔等建議,報價,和球交互式網頁,取代靜態文檔的pdf文檔和詞,坦納將其形容為一次“慢,醜陋,又啞”的過程。啟動運行,方便個人和企業的重點創建美麗的web文檔,根據Qwilr的網站。Qwilr還集成了業務工具,如Salesforce公司HubSpot鬆弛和鑫元鴻自動化基本業務任務效率,客戶和潛在客戶時通知銷售代表與之交互的文檔。 “In the same way that [Canva] is democratizing design, we’re democratizing the web. We’re allowing anyone to create their business documents as these simple, beautiful web pages,” COO Tanner had previously said . “It boggles my mind that sales and marketing reps still send PDFs to potential customers,” Airtree Ventures Partner John Henderson said in a written statement. “The traditional business document suite is antiquated, clunky and lacking basic functionality, which should be table stakes in the age of the cloud and is even more imperative in a remote working economy,” he added. “Forget sales rep taking hours to manually create ugly and uninspiring proposals and attaching them to an email as a PDF,” Henderson wrote in AirTree’s blog post announcing the funding. “Instead imagine a visually compelling, customized web page created directly from your CRM with a dynamic quote block the customer can adjust to suit their needs and budget as they accept, e-sign and pay on any device. Once signed, Qwilr can mark the deal as ‘closed won’ in your CRM and trigger an onboarding workflow for your account management team,” Henderson added. According to the company, Qwilr’s customer base hails from a diverse range of industries, some of which – such as retail, hospitality, and events – have been hit hard by the pandemic. Others, such as software companies, professional service providers, and consultancies, are currently experiencing increasing demand. Although April has been a slow month for Qwilr, Tanner is confident that demand for its solutions will only grow as remote work continues to grow in prevalence. “Paper and pdf, which were already old and clunky and silly, have just been exposed as more so.” said Tanner. “Almost everyone’s pipeline is looking lighter than usual – there are less new deals coming in. Which makes it all the more important that you work really hard to win those deals if you can. It can’t just be some ugly pdf,” he added. “People are still buying and investing in software, and right now there’s always space for tools that make your team faster and more efficient,” Tanner said.
Macdoch冒險了19日投資。他們最新的投資Reask作為他們的一部分種子VC -二世在2023年6月6日。
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
6/15/2023 |
種子VC -二世 |
Reask |
4.6美元 |
是的 |
3 |
2/21/2022 |
種子風投 |
塞西爾 |
1.6美元 |
是的 |
3 |
11/25/2021 |
種子風投 |
Riparide |
2.85美元 |
是的 |
1 |
10/12/2021 |
一個係列 |
5/4/2020 |
一個係列 |
日期 |
6/15/2023 |
2/21/2022 |
11/25/2021 |
10/12/2021 |
5/4/2020 |
輪 |
種子VC -二世 |
種子風投 |
種子風投 |
一個係列 |
一個係列 |
公司 |
Reask |
塞西爾 |
Riparide |
量 |
4.6美元 |
1.6美元 |
2.85美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
是的 |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
Macdoch合資企業有1 團隊成員,包括當前的創始人,協會的麥克勞德。
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協會的麥克勞德 |
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當前的 |
的名字 |
協會的麥克勞德 |
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