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佛得角農場改版的新承諾再生Ag) 3月2日,2023年由琳達Kiernan-Stone,全球AgInvesting媒體佛得角農場,有機的先驅者,100%食草和養牛牛肉近20年來,宣布重新專注於再生農業包括與土地市場驗證。嗎哪棵樹合作夥伴的支持下,Johnsonville控股這樣曲棍球球員亞曆克斯Biega,和其他人,佛得角農場動物福利,重視可持續發展,和生產優質牛肉沒有飼養場或使用生長激素,而專注於供應鏈可追溯性,和潛在的利益對社會和環境問題。今天,佛得角農場支持47驗證再生土地基地,包括超過100000公頃(247105英畝)。“自2005年我們的《盜夢空間》,佛一直致力於可持續發展,透明度,和動物福利,“丹娜埃利希說,首席執行官和共同創始人、佛得角的農場。“我們相信這種新的外觀和感覺更好的溝通我們的奉獻這些值。“經過幾個月的廣泛的消費者研究,我們興奮地展示這個新品牌,更好的突出了我們的核心信仰。我們的新包裝將在春季晚些時候上市,在燒烤季節。消費者也可以購買全國與我們的長期合作夥伴,亞馬遜新鮮,並讓它在他們家門口。“全球牛肉市場預計到2025年達到3830億美元的價值,根據大視圖的數據研究。並進一步深入一點,全球食草牛肉市場預計增長約4.4%在2021 - 2025年達到133億美元的價值,或擴大12 x,根據費爾菲爾德谘詢服務。 When Colorado-based Manna Tree Partners announced their investment of $15 million in Verde Farms in exchange for a minority stake in the company in February 2020, Brent Drever COO, Manna Tree Partners, stated, “Consumers today are more keenly attuned to the impacts of their purchase decisions from a health and sustainability standpoint.” “We believe Verde is well-positioned to become the brand of choice for these consumers based on their sustainability and animal welfare standards, superior-quality products, traceable supply chain, and a proven, sustainable business model.” Adding deeper meaning to this Verde Farms relaunch is the connection to Land to Market , the world’s first outcomes-based verified regenerative sourcing platform that verified that farmers and ranchers are realizing real positive outcomes to land health using Savory Institute’s Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV). Born of the Savory Institute, the Land to Market uses a science-based approach in direct contact with raw material producers to increase transparency and transparency mechanisms throughout the entire value chain. With a current base of 80 brand members, the platform has verified more than 1,000 products and has measured over 3.5 million acres worldwide. “Not all beef is the same when it comes to environmental impact,” said Felipe Urioste, global network coordinator, Land to Market. “Verde is bringing visibility into why improving land health is critical, signaling to the meat industry and consumers, to think about where meat products, like beef, come from and what impact it has on the planet. This is a big cue to other leading meat companies that they can do business differently, knowing that livestock can be a part of the climate solution.” ~ Lynda Kiernan-Stone is editor in chief with GAI Media, and is managing editor and daily contributor for Global AgInvesting’s AgInvesting Weekly News and Agtech Intel News , as well as HighQuest Group’s Unconventional Ag . She can be reached at lkiernan-stone@globalaginvesting.com . *The content put forth by Global AgInvesting News and its parent company HighQuest Partners is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only. All information or other material herein is not to be construed as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Global AgInvesting and HighQuest Partners are not a fiduciary in any manner, and the reader assumes the sole responsibility of evaluating the merits and risks associated with the use of any information or other content on this site. You might also enjoy:
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
9/12/2022 |
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哥譚鎮蔬菜 |
沒有 |
6 |
9/9/2022 |
一個係列 |
真正的食物和廚房 |
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64美元 |
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嗎哪棵樹合作夥伴有2投資組合出口。他們最新的投資退出Nutriati 在2022年5月3日,。
日期 |
退出 |
公司 |
收購者 |
來源 |
5/3/2022 |
收購了 |
3 |
日期 |
5/3/2022 |
退出 |
收購了 |
公司 |
估值 |
收購者 |
來源 |
3 |
嗎哪棵樹合作夥伴有5 基金,包括嗎哪棵樹夥伴基金二世。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
3/13/2023 |
嗎哪棵樹夥伴基金二世 |
390美元 |
1 |
10/30/2020 |
MTP C聯合投資 |
4/29/2020 |
嗎哪棵樹我夥伴基金 |
3/12/2020 |
MTP B聯合投資 |
MTP共同投資一個 |
截止日期 |
3/13/2023 |
10/30/2020 |
4/29/2020 |
3/12/2020 |
基金 |
嗎哪棵樹夥伴基金二世 |
MTP C聯合投資 |
嗎哪棵樹我夥伴基金 |
MTP B聯合投資 |
MTP共同投資一個 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
390美元 |
來源 |
1 |
嗎哪棵樹合作夥伴有3 團隊成員,包括創始人,現任總統,布蘭特Drever。
的名字 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
狀態 |
布倫特Drever |
Goldcorp原因,普華永道,和通用電氣資本 |
創始人,總裁 |
當前的 |
的名字 |
布倫特Drever |
工作經曆 |
Goldcorp原因,普華永道,和通用電氣資本 |
標題 |
創始人,總裁 |
狀態 |
當前的 |