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一輪融資是由劍橋企業參與新的和現有的投資者,包括布裏斯托爾港公司,U-blox AG)、Amadeus Capital Partners,最近支持大氣壓,Tenzo,無足鳥資本,劍橋大學企業基金管理Parkwalk Advisors Deeptech實驗室,和大量的天使。該公司還獲得資助者包括贈款。InnovateUK和交通部門的規定。新基金將讓RoboK連接到更多的網站,包括港口和其他工業基礎設施。它還將提供更有價值的見解,解決方案就會變得更加嵌入客戶的日常操作,幫助運營商非常大的網站更好地監測潛在的安全問題以及提高生產效率和吞吐量。此外,RoboK計劃雇傭額外的商業和產品的角色來支持它的發展計劃。這個注入新的人才將使公司繼續創新和改進解決方案,以滿足客戶不斷發展的需求。“我們的技術有可能徹底改變整個基礎設施行業,我們從港口。這是特別重要的英國,95%的英國所有進口和出口海運。我們致力於使它可以盡可能多的工作場所與現有工業閉路電視攝像頭,“郝鄭說,在RoboK聯合創始人和首席執行官。資深投資分析師Desmond張劍橋企業共享:“劍橋企業一直是一個堅定的支持者RoboK因為它剝離出去的大學計算機科學與技術,2017年很高興讓RoboK的最新一輪融資除了現有投資者,布裏斯托爾港,港口的主要股東。 The encouraging outcomes at Bristol just 3 months after deploying RoboK’s solution is not only a testament to the performance of RoboK’s AI, but also to Hao and her team’s dedication to delivering a class-leading product. We look forward to seeing RoboK’s platform scale across the logistics and supply-chain sector, and potentially save many more lives to come.” Amelia Armour, Partner at Amadeus Capital Partners, commented: “Amadeus is very proud to have been a backer of RoboK from very early on and our team strongly believes in the AI technology that Hao and her team has developed. At this stage in its development, it is especially exciting to see the commercial traction the company is having with ports. It is a clear sign of the team successfully productising its technology, and having the ports come on board as new investors will also be seen as strong validation that should help attract further customers.” Miles Kirby, CEO of Deeptech Labs, said: “Since participating in Deeptech Labs’ Autumn ‘21 cohort, RoboK has gone from strength to strength, and this marks another key milestone in its journey. We are excited to have this latest funding round validate the RoboK model. We look forward to working with the RoboK team as they continue to scale their operations and further enhance the safety and efficiency of large-scale infrastructure sites.” AI to make logistics safe and efficient Founded by Hao Zheng in 2017 in Cambridge, RoboK develops innovative, privacy-preserving, and cost-effective technology to maximise the value of industrial CCTV cameras. RoboK applies AI in CCTV cameras to help logistics companies like large ports, warehouses, and sortation hubs prevent safety hazards, inefficiencies, and delays as well as make operations more efficient inside facilities. By using computer vision to monitor and analyse these processes, RoboK’s technology can help prevent accidents as well as improve efficiency in handling and transportation. RoboK is already working with some of the largest critical infrastructure operators, turning their on-site visual data into high-value actionable insights. The Bristol Port Company, one of RoboK’s customers, saw a reduction of over 90% in potential safety incidents after just three months of deploying RoboK’s solution.
日期 |
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公司 |
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新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
6/29/2023 |
Unattributed |
Robok |
是的 |
2 |
5/19/2023 |
種子VC -二世 |
PharmEnable |
7.5美元 |
沒有 |
Arrowfield資本,劍橋企業,喬納森·米爾納,無足鳥資本,議員醫療風險管理,O2h合資企業,Parkwalk顧問,秘密天使投資人,和雷恩資本 |
5 |
4/20/2023 |
種子風投 |
NunaBio |
2.36美元 |
是的 |
2 |
3/31/2023 |
種子風投 |
11/15/2022 |
B係列 |
日期 |
6/29/2023 |
5/19/2023 |
4/20/2023 |
3/31/2023 |
11/15/2022 |
輪 |
Unattributed |
種子VC -二世 |
種子風投 |
種子風投 |
B係列 |
公司 |
Robok |
PharmEnable |
NunaBio |
量 |
7.5美元 |
2.36美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
沒有 |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
Arrowfield資本,劍橋企業,喬納森·米爾納,無足鳥資本,議員醫療風險管理,O2h合資企業,Parkwalk顧問,秘密天使投資人,和雷恩資本 |
來源 |
2 |
5 |
2 |
無足鳥資本有2 團隊成員,包括,。
的名字 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
狀態 |
彼得·考利 |
創始人 |
當前的 |
的名字 |
彼得·考利 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
創始人 |
狀態 |
當前的 |