藍莓療法有限想宣布,它已經完成了£3.6擴展先前成功的係列B籌款£10.8 m。這項投資是來自日本投資者,日本醫學孵化器(MIJ)和一個私人財團的奧馬爾·易卜拉欣博士領導的委員會認證的皮膚科醫生,CT。藍莓療法是一種dermatology-focused藥物發現和開發公司致力於開發創新的納米藥物難以治療疾病的皮膚和指甲,在二期開發領先候選人。籌資在一定程度上是為了應對COVID-19大流行,它直接影響了全球臨床試驗,但主要是因為一係列的臨床前成功在2020年期間,擴大了公司的藥物組合。藍莓係列療法將使用B擴展收益繼續開發計劃署BB2603治療甲真菌病,和額外的資金將被用於其他項目,包括腳癬,哪裏有鼓舞人心的療效和安全性數據和潛在市場的有效途徑。BB2603藍莓療法領導開發的候選藥物;在完成2018年I / II期研究,這是在二期臨床的發展。利用納米技術,BB2603旨在極大地提高交付的目標下的真菌感染的指甲和皮膚的上層內。甲癬,BB2603旨在實現等價的療效和治療時間,但低於批準的幾千倍的劑量口服terbinafine,從而避免了係統性副作用和患者口服的監控需求。額外的資金支持完成第二階段研究研究中,前三期臨床發展的美國和歐盟對甲真菌病的治療。 Medical Incubator Japan is an independent healthcare-focused venture capital company aimed at investing in early-stage life sciences companies across a broad range of innovations including drug discovery, digital health and medical devices. Its second fund launched in the summer of 2020, focusing on investments both in Japan and overseas. Through its partnership with Bamburgh Capital, MIJ is particularly focused on identifying investment opportunities in the UK, where MIJ is attracted by the compelling opportunities to invest in innovative companies opening up world-class science and supported by collaborative, informed and influential ecosystems. Japan is the third largest healthcare market in the world and MIJ will be able to help Blueberry Therapeutics access this important market. Mr. Jun Katsura, President and Co-CEO of MIJ, commented: “We are very pleased to be a shareholder in Blueberry Therapeutics and to be able to support the management team in its quest to deliver high value innovative medicines for patients suffering from a range of dermatological disorders, and we look forward to collaborating in the development of the Company’s products.” Dr Omar Ibrahimi, Founding Medical Director at the Connecticut Skin Institute commented: “The team and I were impressed with the Blueberry approach and felt that the Blueberry technology was compelling enough to invest our own money in developing it further. BB2603 addresses a clinical problem that we have struggled to treat effectively for decades.” Dr. John Ridden, Chief Executive Officer of Blueberry Therapeutics said: “I am delighted to have MIJ, and Omar and syndicate as investors and I very much look forward to working with them on our plans for Japan and the US. This funding extension not only enables us to progress our main onychomycosis programme to the next stages of development, but it also enhances our relationships in the critically important Japanese and US markets” News Source:
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新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
6/11/2021 |
C係列 |
Heartseed |
37美元 |
是的 |
13 |
2/1/2021 |
B - II係列 |
12/1/2020 |
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8/25/2020 |
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3/20/2019 |
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日期 |
6/11/2021 |
2/1/2021 |
12/1/2020 |
8/25/2020 |
3/20/2019 |
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B - II係列 |
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C係列 |
B係列 |
公司 |
Heartseed |
量 |
37美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
13 |