- 引擎技術
- 冷卻技術
- 顯示設備
申請日 |
授予日期 |
標題 |
相關的話題 |
狀態 |
5/18/2020 |
4/18/2023 |
飲料,蘇打水,糖替代品,瓶裝水品牌,劑型 |
格蘭特 |
申請日 |
5/18/2020 |
授予日期 |
4/18/2023 |
標題 |
相關的話題 |
飲料,蘇打水,糖替代品,瓶裝水品牌,劑型 |
狀態 |
格蘭特 |
2023年4月18日,星期二,今天11在49分——新西蘭電力市場的第一,羅斯家族房地產(RFE),品牌的所有者Wairau河,現在幾乎由一個新的屋頂太陽能陣列由能源馬爾伯勒市郊的布倫海姆。最初預計太陽能陣列RFE約百分之七的電力供應,然後“大大的”到他們的常規電力供應零售商,水銀。水星在供應當太陽能發電低,以及購買多餘的太陽能發電。RFE繼續接收來自每個月水星的一個法案,目前包括太陽能發電能源馬爾堡。這次審判是由伊娃安排市場,新西蘭的可再生能源市場,經紀人能源采購協議(PPA)可再生能源開發人員和企業之間,並促進PPA套管安排。“企業PPA套管在英國和澳大利亞市場是司空見慣的事情所以對這樣的安排“上線”在新西蘭第一次,”伊娃創始人Paul Coster說。“我想感謝每個人的努力,包括emhTrade誰參與了早期的階段。”RFE CEO Lindsay Parkinson says the winery is excited to be part of this innovative project. "Corporate PPA sleeving is a simple way to improve the sustainability of our winemaking operations. We investigated installing our own solar but we don't have suitable space or, quite frankly, the time. This arrangement provides benefits similar to installing our own solar without the hassle." "This arrangement allows us to reduce our carbon emissions, energy costs and the pressure we put on the national grid, as well as supporting a local renewables project. There's also scope to increase the virtually supplied solar in the coming years which future-proofs the deal for us". Marlborough Lines (parent company of Energy Marlborough) Commercial Manager Scott Wilkinson says the trial demonstrates they can sell power from their solar farms directly to local businesses and organisations at a reasonable and fixed price, which helps to secure a return on their investments. "Selling electricity to local consumers aligns with our strategy to energise Marlborough's future. The fixed price arrangement provides greater certainty than selling our electricity into the wholesale market, where prices can be persistently low if there's a lot of water in the hydro lakes." Mercury's Head of Wholesale Markets Tim Thompson says the trial also helps Mercury to cater to changing customer demands and support independent renewable generators. "We are committed to delivering innovative solutions for our customers, and supporting renewable generation to enable New Zealand's transition to a low carbon future." EVA Founder Paul Coster sees huge potential for corporate PPA sleeving to help grow New Zealand's renewables, which is needed to support electrification of the economy and Aotearoa's net zero carbon goal. "Businesses are showing a strong interest in PPA sleeving because it aligns to their energy and sustainability goals, and avoids exposure to New Zealand's volatile wholesale electricity market." All articles and comments on Voxy.co.nz have been submitted by our community of users. Please notify us if you believe an item on this site breaches our community guidelines .