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韓國雙打Metaverse,宣布投資5100萬美元在相關項目的科學和ICT韓國已批準投資5100萬美元的各種Metaverse項目,在其上下大工夫Metaverse賭未來。投資包括基金支持的增長metaverse公司和另一個特殊投資建立幾個服務包括有針對性的項目。韓國繼續投資於Metaverse而興趣Metaverse一些私營企業已經開始降溫,韓國是加倍的打賭繼續支持當地Metaverse經濟。這個國家宣布一對計劃指導支持metaverse項目和公司建立產品的虛擬世界。第一個項目,在3月8日宣布,構成metaverse增長基金,允許公司想開發虛擬項目獲得資金直接從科技部ICT的韓國。為此,該機構已經撥款3000萬美元。第二個項目,一天後,宣布與13具體倡議包括metaverse的發展在不同的收斂區域,包括技術、區域項目,公共部門和行業。第二個項目已經撥款2100萬美元用於其完成。據說國家資助的比以往任何時候都更加需要朝鮮機構認識到,當前世界經濟的疲軟使得這些公司難以籌集資金。在這個問題上,哦Yong-soo、軟件科學和ICT政策官說:由於國內外經濟形勢惡化,民間風險投資已經枯竭。 Government support is needed more than ever. It’s time to do it. Since last year, the Korean government has actively invested in the growth of its local metaverse industry, injecting millions in funds directly into companies in the field. In May, Lim Hye-sook, director of the Ministry of Science and ICT of South Korea, announced an investment of $177 million in metaverse companies, being one of the first countries to directly put funds into the sector at that time. Also, in June, the ministry announced a program to recruit companies to be part of its metaverse content creation project. The program has the objective of kickstarting the local movement to create content in the metaverse as part of the country’s strategy to be a pioneer in the industry. Tags in this story