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申請日 |
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4/14/2017 |
4/26/2022 |
無線網絡、計算機網絡安全、計算機安全、安全、密碼身份驗證 |
格蘭特 |
申請日 |
4/14/2017 |
授予日期 |
4/26/2022 |
標題 |
相關的話題 |
無線網絡、計算機網絡安全、計算機安全、安全、密碼身份驗證 |
狀態 |
格蘭特 |
周二,11月9日,2021 -遠十年後一個受歡迎的艾瑞泰克事件在新西蘭,MobileTECH Ag)已經為DigitalAg。2022年世界杯將在2022年3月發生在羅托魯瓦。“我們正興奮的名稱的改變,數字農業是更適合未來的事件和技術不斷發展,“說Innovatek的項目經理,肯·威爾遜。”計劃十年前,當我們開始移動技術像智能手機,平板電腦,GIS和無人機獲得動力與行業內的早期采用者。快進到2021年,所有手機都“智能”。不再是移動技術領先的創新功能。現在隻是一個給定的。”While there are still issues around rural connectivity and farmer adoption, the focus on technology is clearly around digital platforms. The ability to make practical decisions from real-time data is what is driving productivity for the agricultural and horticultural industries. Continued advances in AI, machine learning, data-capture and big data are enabling new innovations to be developed and adopted every year. Machine vision, where video cameras give computer’s the ability to see, is being used to identify weeds, pick fruit, drive robotic vehicles and monitor individual animals. Systems analysing satellite and aerial images can detect soil deficiencies, weather predictions and carbon mapping. We also have wearable sensors that are tracking animal health, optimising equipment productivity and improving farm safety. Whether the data comes from video, imagery, sensors, or a combination of each, it is the algorithms within AI and machine learning that are driving better fact-based decisions. "DigitalAg 2022 will showcase new agritech developments and provide a platform for the sector to come together, discuss the issues and encourage collaboration," said Mr Wilson. "We have worked closely with the agritech industry to create an innovative two-day programme and are excited to meet up next year." Details on the DigitalAg 2022 programme are now available. The event runs on 30-31 March 2022 in Rotorua, New Zealand. Further details can be found on the event website, All articles and comments on have been submitted by our community of users. Please notify us if you believe an item on this site breaches our community guidelines .