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2023年6月21日—紅6,一個增強現實(AR)技術公司,為空軍作戰訓練提供了應用程序,本周宣布了一項戰略協議,英國皇家空軍(RAF),和國家安全戰略投資基金(NSSIF),英國政府的企業冒險手臂兩用先進的技術。根據紅6,雙方尋求工作與公司合作提供增強現實技術支持英國的軍事飛行訓練的生態係統,稱為UKMFTS。“這項協議標誌著一種範式轉移的開始在英國戰鬥機飛行員訓練,和我很高興英國皇家空軍和NSSIF認識到紅色6技術將扮演的角色在提供這種功能,”丹尼爾•羅賓遜說,創始人兼首席執行官的紅色6。“英國皇家空軍和美國空軍服役,我熱衷於將兩個服務的早期采用這項技術。至關重要的是,我們可以無縫地互操作,如果我們要在高端戰鬥,實現這一目標的第一步是能夠一起訓練。我設想的未來所有的士兵,在所有領域,可以訓練在一起,共同增強培訓環境。“NSSIF讓投資,幫助加速采用英國政府未來的國家安全和國防能力,而發展中國家的軍民兩用技術的生態係統。該基金作為投資者參與紅6 B係列最近的7000萬美元融資。通過其投資,NSSIF還將支持紅6與其融入BAE係統公司(BAE)鷹飛機。皇家空軍合作與政府、軍隊和平民在英國和海外合作夥伴,促進英國安全、繁榮和世界各地的國家利益。 The adoption of advanced technologies is vital if it is to remain at the forefront of global security. Air Vice Marshal Ian Townsend, Air Officer Commanding No. 22 Group, Royal Air Force, stated: “Exploitation of novel technologies is an essential part of ensuring that the RAF can sustain its combat edge and succeed on operations against a constantly evolving adversary. Our collaboration with Red 6 is a core part of ensuring we are seeking innovative ways to improve the way in which we train, allowing us to generate the very best combat pilots possible. augmented reality presents an exciting opportunity, and I look forward to developing the capability alongside our industry partners.” Red 6 has developed the Advanced Tactical Augmented Reality System (ATARS). The company states that ATARS is a multi-node, all-domain AR system that delivers a complete outdoor synthetic training environment for multiple users. It allows pilots to experience the cognitive loads of physically flying airplanes for real but captures the value of synthetics by enabling them to enter realistic, scalable, simulated training environments, outdoors. “The Red 6 team and I are focused on delivering a synthetic training environment that will provide real life, near-peer threat training that enhances cognitive skills and learning. ATARS will directly address the pilot production shortfall, improve readiness and lethality, and greatly decrease the overextension of resources in a quicker, cheaper, safer, and cleaner way,” added Robinson. For more information on Red 6 and its augmented reality training solutions for fighter pilots, please visit the company’s website . Image credit: Red 6
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4/24/2023 |
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18.67美元 |
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Riverlane |
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18.67美元 |
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