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全球K-Contents影迷平台越來越豐富的追隨者由於K-Entertainment——的流行音樂,戲劇和電影。“K流行地圖,“創業仍然提供韓流內容,做出了特別圓投資投資新模式。量是保密的。K流行地圖是一個創業公司,可提供數字內容管理服務和韓流新聞針對全球粉絲。K-Contents風機平台K-entertainment新聞對韓國流行音樂和…。新媒體內容生產和通過英語社論內容進行全球粉絲的參與和投票。平台進行了獨家銷售的BTS相冊和超過100全球促銷,包括獨家實時流媒體服務北美和南美的音樂獎項,國內韓國流行音樂頒獎典禮,和黃金盤獎項。K流行映射被轉換成一個粉絲社區平台。各種編輯內容是共享的,如與粉絲的溝通和反饋、照片、日曆、視頻、和概要文件。這是一個戰略,成長為一個web 3.0空間,全球MZ一代球迷可以在一個交流平台。 Park Je-hyeon, co-CEO of New Paradigm Investment, said, “K Pop Map is a K-content fandom platform in a new format that meets the needs of a changing consumer base. It has already surpassed 3 million monthly average visitors and 10 million page views and has secured high user traffic from the global MZ generation. It is expected to dominate the global digital new media publisher market, reaching about 85 trillion won by 2025.” Seo Il-ho, CEO of K-Pop Map, said, “Based on this investment attraction, we will build a subscription and fan publishing platform and upgrade our services. First, we plan to launch a subscription service, ‘K Pop Map Prime 1.0’, in the second half of this year. The goal is to secure 300,000 monthly paid subscribers within two years. Specialized editorial content and digital artist goods will be serviced soon.” CEO Seo added, “In collaboration with entertainment and production companies, we will provide various price plans for each service, such as subscription service, fan publishing, star marketing, and content commerce, and gradually build a paid business model through step-by-step service expansion.” Also Read,
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