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總裁兼首席執行官:Tohru Satoh)今天宣布上調JPY2.35十億B係列融資通過第三方分配現有股東和新的投資者的隨機對照試驗和商業化下一代HIFU(高強度聚焦超聲波)係統(開發代碼:Suizenji)治療不可切除的胰腺癌。這讓SONIRE提出的總量大約JPY3.1十億。這一輪的投資者名單(排名不分先後)新投資者:NISSAY資本有限公司,有限公司,日本增長型資本投資公司,大和企業投資有限公司。Resona資本有限公司,碳投資有限公司有限公司/ QR投資有限公司,有限公司,三井JA租賃、有限公司現有股東:快車道倡議,Inc .,印度國家銀行投資有限公司,有限公司,三菱UFJ資本有限公司有限公司FFG風險業務夥伴有限公司有限公司Higin資本有限公司有限公司【評論先生佐藤晴Tohru SONIRE療法Inc .的總裁兼首席執行官】我深深地感謝所有支持我們的投資者再次在這一輪去年支持係列後,和新投資者加入這一輪融資的相信我們的視野。這一輪籌集的資金將分配給擴大我們的業務,包括胰腺癌的臨床試驗在日本和海外擴張。我們的願景在SONIRE給癌症患者帶來新的未來使用聲波技術,我們將不遺餘力盡快將這一願景變為現實。【評論博士寬子木村的快車道倡議,Inc .)】我們額外的投資在這一輪去年投資係列。自成立以來,SONIRE追求的願景,明確的進展在設備開發和臨床發展奠定了基礎。展望未來,他們將推進建設任務,準備臨床試驗,批準和銷售。我們真誠期待這革命性的醫療設備,在日本發展,全世界將用於治療病人。 As a venture capital firm striving for Capital For Life, Fast Track Initiative will continue to support SONIRE. 【Comment from Mr. Junichi Imoto of NISSAY CAPITAL CO., LTD.】 We have invested in SONIRE because the HIFU treatment device they are developing has the potential to provide a new treatment option for patients with intractable cancers. We are happy to join CEO Satoh and his team of specialists as they continue to break new ground. By making this revolutionary technology available for the treatment of pancreatic cancer and other intractable cancers as quickly as possible, we expect that they will make a major contribution to society. 【Comment from Mr. Ichitaro Akita of Nomura SPARX Investment, Inc.※】 NSPI looks forward to SONIRE achieving medium-term growth as it allocates capital efficiently to establish HIFU as a treatment for intractable pancreatic cancer globally, as well as using HIFU therapy in the treatment of other types of cancers. (※ Nomura SPARX Investment, Inc. is an asset management company of Japan Growth Capital Investment Corporation.) About SONIRE Therapeutics Inc. SONIRE was established in February 2020 to develop the next-generation HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) system using the technology and clinical know-how has been built by Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Tohoku University and Tokyo Medical University over the past years. HIFU therapy is expected as a new cancer treatment because it is non-invasive and no radiation risk, so patients can receive the treatment repeatedly. SONIRE has developed the HIFU therapy system as a new treatment modality targeting at intractable cancers like pancreatic cancer. You can see details through our homepage below.
野村證券的Sparx投資了3投資。他們最新的投資MOON-X作為他們的一部分B - II係列在2022年9月9日。
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9/13/2022 |
B - II係列 |
10.4美元 |
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1 |
7/19/2022 |
D係列 |
3/29/2022 |
B係列 |
日期 |
9/13/2022 |
7/19/2022 |
3/29/2022 |
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B - II係列 |
D係列 |
B係列 |
公司 |
量 |
10.4美元 |
新的嗎? |
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共同投資者 |
來源 |
1 |