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Bloomfilter -軟件開發過程智能平台最近宣布關閉700萬美元的種子輪資本。這一輪融資包括550萬美元的股權融資由Magarac Venture Partners (MVP)在紅杉資本的參與下,HPA,北海岸,Techstars和其他人一起從西太平洋銀行150萬美元債務的風險。加上Bloomfilter還宣布其產業界首次過程智能平台的可用性,幫助軟件開發團隊提高透明度,可預測性,開發新的軟件產品的效率。企業通常依靠軟件開發解決問題和提供更好的用戶體驗。但是軟件開發項目而臭名昭著錯過最後期限和預算估計。和研究顯示,65%的軟件項目是挑戰或失敗而70%的軟件項目交付延期,超過預算,或者不給原來的規格。Bloomfilter新過程的礦業和預測算法幫助軟件開發團隊在開發過程中識別瓶頸,客觀地預測項目成果,並交付軟件按時並在預算之內。這個Bloomfilter平台還將與谘詢公司合作,幫助客戶評估和改善他們的開發過程。和資金將使該公司能夠加快產品開發、客戶成功,市場推廣活動。主要引用了:“我們很高興領導這Bloomfilter投資。 This is an exceptional team that’s tackling a massive and pervasive problem in software development. MVP is investing in fast-growing companies building AI solutions for business process automation. Bloomfilter fits that thesis perfectly by applying process mining to software development.” – Mike Stubler, Partner at MVP “We believe that software development is a business process that can be measured and improved like any other. By enabling that improvement, Bloomfilter is ushering in a new era of transparency, predictability, and efficiency in the software industry. We are excited to partner with MVP and others to make this vision a reality.” – Andrew Wolfe, co-founder and co-CEO of Bloomfilter “The process mining ecosystem is growing at 78% annually because the technology helps customers understand and improve complicated business processes. We are pleased to bring to market the first process mining solution purpose-built to support the business process of software product development.” – Erik Severinghaus, co-founder and co-CEO of Bloomfilter “The Bloomfilter platform has fundamentally changed the nature of our conversations with the product development organization. For the first time, we have alignment and understanding from our Board presentation all the way to the daily standups for our developers.” – Myron Schram, VP of Product at Intrusion and one of Bloomfilter’s beta customers “Having seen the power of the platform to transform the software development lifecycle firsthand, I was honored to be asked to join the Board and help the company grow. For 30 years, I have been asked the questions, ‘What are we building, when will we get it, and how much does it cost?’ Bloomfilter is the first platform that lets me answer those questions easily and accurately.” – Michael Keithley, CIO at UTA; As part of the funding round, Michael Keithley, CIO at UTA, another beta customer, will join the Board of Directors “Process Mining has the potential to be a game-changer for product development. We are excited to watch what Bloomfilter is building.” – Andy Thurai, principal analyst at Constellation Research “We are thrilled to partner with Bloomfilter to include the platform in our leading advisory practice for improving software development efficiency and outcomes.” – Choon Aun Quek, executive vice president at Softserve, a leading digital and IT advisory Trending on Pulse 2.0
北海岸的企業91年投資。他們最新的投資UnifyWork作為他們的一部分種子VC -二世在2023年5月5日。
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
5/30/2023 |
種子VC -二世 |
UnifyWork |
3美元 |
沒有 |
4 |
5/2/2023 |
種子風投 |
Bloomfilter |
5.5美元 |
是的 |
下丘腦-垂體-腎上腺軸的,Magarac合資公司合作夥伴,北海岸投資,紅杉資本,每年各企業,和未披露的投資者 |
5 |
2/22/2023 |
C係列 |
Vytalize健康 |
沒有 |
9 |
12/14/2022 |
係列A - 3 |
6/22/2022 |
種子風投 |
北海岸投資有4 基金,包括北海岸風險基金。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
2/25/2016 |
北海岸風險基金 |
後期風險資本 |
開放 |
7.73美元 |
1 |
12/14/2015 |
北海岸的天使基金III |
1/31/2012 |
北海岸的天使基金二世 |
9/18/2006 |
北海岸天使基金 |
截止日期 |
2/25/2016 |
12/14/2015 |
1/31/2012 |
9/18/2006 |
基金 |
北海岸風險基金 |
北海岸的天使基金III |
北海岸的天使基金二世 |
北海岸天使基金 |
基金類型 |
後期風險資本 |
狀態 |
開放 |
量 |
7.73美元 |
來源 |
1 |
北海岸投資有2 團隊成員,包括,。
的名字 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
狀態 |
粘土蘭金 |
創始人 |
當前的 |
的名字 |
粘土蘭金 |
工作經曆 |
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創始人 |
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當前的 |
斯特能源公司致力於可再生能源解決方案。nAs的一部分計劃為了省錢,節約能源,創造公共善意和每天晚上睡得更好,斯特能源創造有意義的“綠色解決方案”為商業,工業和機構性質:nn * Solarn * Daylightingn *建築信封Improvementsn *風Turbinesn *太陽能照明(道路和停車場)nnPfister能源致力於可再生能源應用最新技術,以便用戶可以受益於節能解決方案:能源savingsn nn *金融儲蓄和ROIn * *公共管理和goodwilln *排放reductionsn *環境領導啊*能源independencennDesign-BuildnEach普菲斯能源係統包括一個財務可行性研究,技術或工程研究和戰略項目描述包括時間,成本和責任。建築施工、季節性太陽能曝光和預算總是廣泛所以公司花費額外的時間選擇和整合正確的可再生能源解決方案來滿足他們的目標。“設計”承包商,該公司提供交鑰匙解決方案,包括設計、采購、安裝、委員會直接向客戶和維護,建築師,甚至其他太陽能設計公司!該公司的人員和設備,需要每個工作所以沒有需要分包商。FinancingnAs所有可再生能源項目的一部分,斯特能源包括州和聯邦的財務影響退稅,政府稅收激勵和管理可再生能源證書來最大化他們的投資。該公司還提供項目融資和租賃。綠色比用戶認為可能需要更少的“綠色”!nnExperiencenPfister能源費行業的一個部門,公司,提供商業屋麵、建築和防水近25年。公司的經驗在建築旨在讓我們提出一個混合的項目與現有物理組件和係統。 With Pfister Energy, users can be sure that the addition of any energy-saving service will preserve if not enhance their existing building's integrity. Even existing roof warranties can be honored!nnBeliefsnThe company live the life! Every day the company understand more about the company's obligation to protect the natural resources and life the company love. The company's challenge is to balance this knowledge and responsibility with the expectations of business and industry today. Pfister Energy is committed to offering Green solutions to the company's employees and applying technologies to the company's own properties. The company welcome users as a Renewable Energy customer and environmental steward!
子午線部署公司的公司收到了SBIR第一階段資助項目的標題為:Motion-Free跟蹤太陽能集中器。他們的項目調查新穎的光學元件(OE)光伏(PV)係統使用折射率調製引導陽光。它解決的根本挑戰跟蹤太陽的運動,同時保持集中的目標。幾十年來,這已經完成機電使用汽車和反饋電路物理移動光學和/或目標,以便設備總是與太陽。這個項目提供了一個簡單的,motion-free跟蹤係統,消除了所有當前機械追蹤者的消極方麵。適用於部署在任何光伏係統通過調整光學特征。這個項目的目標是優化設計元素的OE包括材料、配置和製造技術,構建原型測試實驗室和領域的網站。階段我將建立一個原型motion-free跟蹤收集器和集中器,將解決三個相互關聯的設計問題。這些是1)最大化吞吐量的設備通過消除不必要的反射從各種接口,2)最大化太陽能入射角度的範圍,和3)降低的成本完成設備商業化。/商業潛力的廣泛影響這個項目將會使局部太陽能發電的廣泛應用。 This technology solves the inherent complexity of simultaneously realizing mechanical stability under wind and seismic loading, electro-mechanical tracking accuracy, and eliminates high costs associated with mechanical trackers. Phase I of this program will establish technical benchmarks to maximize the steering range and light concentration ratio for a novel motion-free tracking system. New conductive coatings are index-matched to minimize internal reflections that cause loss of light throughput, while lens geometries and other components will be engineered to maximize efficiency of the system. Because the device is low-profile and lightweight, it can be easily installed on existing rooftops without requiring substantial structural reinforcement, making commercial acceptance likely. This motion-free tracking technology has these commercial advantages over existing solar PV systems: simple, inexpensive installation, low profile esthetics, and more efficient solar power generation for commercial and residential installations. In summary, it will generate more electricity from a smaller footprint for lower overall cost.