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通過社會媒體預計烏克蘭反攻,俄羅斯軍隊去年秋天開始挖掘最有可能沿著軸的推進在烏克蘭南部和東部。預計,俄羅斯人會預見到他們的攻擊,烏克蘭軍隊已經準備好大部隊的特種工程車輛,其主要任務是突破敵人的防禦。在這些車輛的稀有獨特的烏克蘭的bmr - 64 mineclearing坦克。基礎代謝率的小力量- 64年代經曆了一個艱苦的戰爭。俄羅斯迄今為止淘汰或逮捕了至少兩人,包括最後一個星期。競相領先未來反攻,俄羅斯工人挖掘戰壕,堆積的堤壩,提出混凝土tank-obstacles最importantly-seeded這些防禦工事與礦山周圍的地麵。成千上萬的。當反攻終於開始超過三個星期前,這些礦山很快被證明是最嚴重的障礙之一,烏克蘭人的進步。最值得注意的是,一個強大的攻擊由烏克蘭軍隊的第33和47旅在災難結束在6月8日,當部隊開進在烏克蘭Zaporizhzhia州南部一個雷區。俄羅斯礦山的絕對密度意味著烏克蘭的戰鬥工程師必須帶頭。 Riding in their specialized vehicles, the engineers try to roll up or plow up just enough mines to clear a lane for tanks and fighting vehicles safely to travel through a minefield. It’s extremely dangerous work. Minerollers and mineplows don’t always work perfectly. And that explains the extreme losses Ukrainian engineers have suffered in the first few weeks of the counteroffensive. The 33rd and 47th Brigades’ assault south of Mala Tokmachka cost the 47th Brigade three of its six ex-Finnish Leopard 2R mineclearing vehicles. The assault force also lost one of Ukraine’s 40 or so German-made Wisent mineclearers plus an ex-Soviet BMR-2. Along other axes of the counteroffensive, the Ukrainians recently have written off several other engineering vehicles with mineclearing capability, including a pair of Soviet-vintage IMR-2s and one of the rare BMR-64s. A video that circulated online this week depicts a damaged and abandoned BMR-64 in Zaporizhzhia—the victim, it seems, of the very mines its crew apparently was trying to clear. It’s unclear how many more BMR-64s the Ukrainian army has left after losing one last year and the second this week. The Malyshev Tank Plant in Kharkiv built the first few BMR-64s in 2018. It’s possible the plant since then has completed a few more. A 40-ton BMR-64 combines the armored hull and turret of a 1970s-vintage T-64A tank with KMT-7 minerollers—and removes the tank’s 125-millimeter gun in order to save weight and shrink the crew from three to two. Potentially the biggest problem with the BMR-64 is one that’s common to many Soviet-style mineclearing vehicles. The KMT-series minerollers detonate mines in two narrow channels right in front of a vehicles’ tracks. That risks leaving intact mines in the middle of an assault lane. It’s not for no reason that the leading Western mineclearing device—a plow made by Pearson Engineering in the United Kingdom—is as wide as are the vehicles that carry it. Expect Ukraine’s combat engineers to lose more engineering vehicles as the counteroffensive rolls into its second month. Don’t expect these losses to halt the counteroffensive. The Ukrainians might run out of Leopard 2Rs and BMR-64s that only ever existed in small numbers, but they still have scores of Wisents, BMRs, IMRs and other engineering vehicles that can mount minerollers or a mineplow. Follow me on Twitter . Check out my website or some of my other work here . Send me a secure tip .
皮爾森工程收購了1 公司。他們最新的收購MineWolf解決方案 在2016年2月29日。
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2/29/2016 |
收購了 |
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日期 |
2/29/2016 |
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1 |
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業務合作夥伴 |
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來源 |
6/14/2022 |
合作夥伴 |
愛沙尼亞 |
Milrem機器人和皮爾森工程合作繼續阻礙移動能力-皮爾森工程 皮爾森工程成功整合後的重量輕我輥Milrem機器人的類型x在2021年展銷會上,公司繼續合作的新的Eurosatory集成。 |
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2/9/2018 |
客戶端 |
9/28/2017 |
許可方 |
日期 |
6/14/2022 |
2/9/2018 |
9/28/2017 |
類型 |
合作夥伴 |
客戶端 |
許可方 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
愛沙尼亞 |
新聞片段 |
Milrem機器人和皮爾森工程合作繼續阻礙移動能力-皮爾森工程 皮爾森工程成功整合後的重量輕我輥Milrem機器人的類型x在2021年展銷會上,公司繼續合作的新的Eurosatory集成。 |
來源 |
1 |