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倫敦HRtech Konfir旨在成為就業的標準驗證,提高了£200萬年的種子資金。投資者包括三相點,愛冒險,組合投資,資金將支持Konfir增強和擴大其產品。創始人兼首席執行官Chris Milligan加入TFN的告訴我們為什麼他開始Konfir和他計劃擴大其範圍,雇主和員工都受益。由人力資源需要Milligan的背景一直是人力資源和創業。來自布裏斯班,他開始他的職業生涯作為一個人力資源顧問Adepto成立之前,一個平台,幫助企業匹配他們的人才項目。他在2016年搬到倫敦作為平台的擴張的一部分,之前美國Adepto收購時看學曆。正是在這裏,他第一次Konfir的靈感來源。“我看到人力資源數據和工資數據變得更容易,我調查發生了什麼在英國和歐洲,”他回憶說。”有一個很大的機會幫助就業和收入確認在所有用例。“Konfir的報價似乎簡單——他們提供一個快速的方法來確認工作經曆——但它解決了一個大難題許多人力資源專業人士。 “The majority of employers, before they hire, do a background check,” says Milligan. But while many parts of this, like checking the right to work or for a criminal record, have been automated, confirming employment history remains manual. “It’s emailing and asking ‘did this person work here?’ and hoping to get a reply. But only 60% of those emails get a reply.” The result can be weeks of delays. Some businesses will ask for alternative evidence, such as bank statements detailing salary payments, which has privacy issues, or simply give up, putting them at risk of a bad hire. Konfir changes this to a process that takes just a few minutes. “We’ve built a journey that asks the candidate to connect their bank accounts, or for an employer to connect their payroll accounts,” Milligan explains. The system uses this to extract only the employment history, “instantly the data comes back, we apply some algorithms to it and our model shows the last three to five years’ employment.” Although it offers significant benefits to employers, who can streamline their hiring processes, Milligan says that employees are also benefiting. As well as being able to start new jobs sooner, they are also in more control. “The data is accurate because it’s not just someone’s email, it’s coming from the source of truth: the bank or payroll system,” he says. “And although the data are processed by us, the candidate owns it, and we show less than the traditional approach will share.” Although the system requires the agreement of candidates to process their data, Milligan says that the benefits are such that around 80% of candidates agree to Konfir processing their employment history. Applications beyond HR Konfir are also looking at applications for their service beyond HR. Adrian Love, co-founder and general partner of Love Ventures , noted that employment verification is not just about applying for jobs, “it’s crazy that there’s been no single source of instant employment and income data verification until now. This is especially pressing given the huge variety and volume of companies crying out for this crucial data validation when helping customers take on life’s big events; whether it’s getting a job, house, credit, or anything in between.” Milligan has already been considering this, and points out there is a wider screening market. “Those checks are done if you are looking to move house and have to prove to your landlord that you’ve got a job. Or if you are looking to get a mortgage. Or if you want to get a car loan. Or even a credit card,” he said. “We’ve started selling it to HR, but the opportunity is to then take that across all the other use cases.” Milligan plans to use the funding to develop their service. Rather than expanding their fourteen-strong team, he hopes to make Konfir a default system for HR. “ The focus for us has been proving the model works and that employers and candidates will use it,” he said. But he is confident of their successes so far, and believes that the benefits their current users have seen show that there is demand for Konfir. “We’re really starting to create the market, so the investment allows us to continue to make this a standard in the UK.”
投資組合風險了15投資。他們最新的投資Konfir作為他們的一部分種子VC -二世在2023年5月5日。
日期 |
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公司 |
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新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
5/24/2023 |
種子VC -二世 |
Konfir |
2.49美元 |
是的 |
2 |
5/19/2023 |
一個係列 |
軌道的見證 |
9.32美元 |
是的 |
2 |
5/18/2023 |
種子VC -二世 |
部署 |
4美元 |
是的 |
1 |
3/28/2023 |
種子風投 |
1/18/2023 |
種子風投 |
投資組合公司有1 基金,包括組合投資天使基金二世。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
8/12/2022 |
組合投資天使基金二世 |
6.06美元 |
1 |
截止日期 |
8/12/2022 |
基金 |
組合投資天使基金二世 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
6.06美元 |
來源 |
1 |