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卡塔爾的旅遊、酒店、和房地產業展示最承諾推動經濟增長由海灣商業12月4日,2022年根據最新發現發表在EY的卡塔爾投資展望2022脈衝,在卡塔爾高管仍看好未來前景的國家,大約82%預計未來五年的經濟增長符合或超過預期。該報告是基於大量的一對一的討論,從2021年第四季度到2022年第一季度,行政決策者在卡塔爾最大的企業。該國的國內生產總值預計將上升到今年QAR764bn,明顯QAR525.7bn報道2020年相比,這個國家在Covid-19大流行的控製。石油和天然氣最積極的情緒和消費者服務,分別為64%和4%的受訪者預計超過一般的行業經濟未來五年。Ammar Sudki Hattab,卡塔爾國家市場領導者,鑰匙,說:“卡塔爾有很大的彈性麵對許多挑戰和堅決導航區域和全球事件,特別是Covid-19大流行,這是控製通過一個高效、敏捷的疫苗接種計劃。這灌輸偉大的高管和投資者的信心,盡管持續的全球經濟逆風,樂觀情緒的承諾全國更多的機會。“大約55%的受訪者有悲觀情緒有關建築業的增長,特別是因為大多數大型項目將在未來幾個月內完成或接近完成。然而,新的大型項目,如推遲Sharq路口,機場擴建計劃和Lusail城市的發展項目,可能有助於緩解一些圍繞該行業前景的擔憂。采訪的近60%的高管表示,他們的投資能夠產生積極回報在過去12個月(2020年第三和第四季度第三/第四季度2021),通過一段時間內,仍有許多限製Covid-19大流行,表明企業和消費者在華業務主要有彈性。“盡管地緣政治危機之外的地區,增加通貨膨脹,在卡塔爾高管仍高度樂觀的關於投資業績在未來12個月。報告發現,91%的人表示,他們希望他們的投資業績提高相對於前一年的性能。 Around 64 per cent of interviewed executives indicated some difficulties in access to capital. However, recent initiatives indicate that regulators are taking steps to improve capital accessibility, such as with the launch of the Qatar Venture Market, aimed at increasing access to capital for SMEs. Furthermore, the Qatar Fintech Hub was launched as part of a wider strategy to improve innovation and access to capital within the Qatari economy. The report revealed that 82 per cent of interviewed executives believe that hosting the current prestigious football event would make a “strong” to a “very strong” impact in shifting the perception of Qatar as a global tourism hub, ultimately resulting in improved tourism flows and spending. While 55 per cent indicated that they have invested in projects specifically to capitalise on the opportunities presented by the football event. Half of these investments went into tourism, hospitality, and real estate. The football World Cup, the start of the North Field South (NFS) expansion, award of the 2030 Asian Games, and the strategic national goal of diversifying the economy away from hydrocarbons, have all drawn the attention of foreign investors and resulted in positioning Qatar as an investment destination of choice. “There is no doubt that the ongoing football event will have a positive impact on the country’s economy. But what is equally pleasing to see is the optimism of leading executives for when the final whistle blows and the legacy that the tournament will leave for the country. The strong investment sentiment bodes well for the future,” said Hattab. Tags
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