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2/28/2022 |
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美國 |
量子算法公元前研究所量子算法研究所和Strangeworks宣布合作加速不列顛哥倫比亞省的量子係統。 通過這種合作,量子算法研究所及其附屬組織將獲得訪問Strangeworks, Inc .)最新的硬件和軟件功能。 |
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1/27/2022 |
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日期 |
2/28/2022 |
1/27/2022 |
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業務合作夥伴 |
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美國 |
新聞片段 |
量子算法公元前研究所量子算法研究所和Strangeworks宣布合作加速不列顛哥倫比亞省的量子係統。 通過這種合作,量子算法研究所及其附屬組織將獲得訪問Strangeworks, Inc .)最新的硬件和軟件功能。 |
來源 |
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數字sub-metering Comgy提供住房和能源行業的解決方案。軟件和硬件,Comgy確保更大的透明度,sub-metering速度和降低成本。
Calabazas溪研究公司帕洛阿爾托,基於CA公司收到了格蘭特(s)從美國能源部SBIR / STTR計劃。這些格蘭特的文摘(s)獎(s)也提供他們提供洞察Calabazas溪研究以來,Inc .)業務和領域的專業知識。這個項目將側重於提高效率的分析和設計的組件用於over-moded輸電線路。Over-moded輸電線路用於多種應用低損耗微波和毫米波段的傳播。高效、高功率射頻源所需的許多計劃和提出加速器項目。該項目將開發一個新的無線電頻率源,將更有效,更緊湊,低成本的現有的替代品。該項目將開發一個10兆瓦,1.3 GHz環形梁速調管。ABK的先進的設計提供了係統成本大大低於可能的與傳統極超短波。ABK將用於研究和醫療加速器,和國防和商業應用。成功開發的高功率多束速調管將提供一個射頻源驅動幾種加速器係統預期在200 MHz的頻率。 The proposed source would find applications in the United States, Europe, and Asia. This project will develop an advanced simulation code for photoinjectors that will help improve high-energy accelerator light-source performance benefiting applied research in biology, materials science and defense/security. This project will allow analysis of electrical breakdown on dielectric surface that increases the cost and reduce reliability of high power devices for high energy physics, defense, medical, and industrial applications. Successful development will allow design of more cost effective high power devices with increased reliability. This project will develop a new design tools for inductive output tubes. This will provide higher efficiency RF sources for driving high energy accelerators. High power waterload are necessary to meet the U.S. obligation to the ITER program for fusion energy research. This project will satisfy the ITER requirement and provide a waterload for other fusion facilities around the world. This project will investigate fundamental mode and higher order mode (HOM) IOTs for potential accelerator applications. Successful development of multiple beam inductive output tubes will demonstrate a new, high efficiency source for many high power RF applications. The device is simpler, more efficient, and less expensive then current devices. This program will develop new power coupler technology for the ILC. The technology developed will significantly advance the state-of-the-art in coupler design and be applicable to many world-wide accelerator projects. A fundamental mode (FM) multiple beam (MB) inductive output tube (IOT) is a candidate RF source to provide this power. The FM MB IOT offers compactness and improved efficiency. This program will generate designs for all major tube components. Successful development of multiple beam inductive output tubes will demonstrate a new, high efficiency source for many high power RF applications.