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背後的生物技術啟動大腦細胞的培養皿,打乒乓球就籌集了1500萬美元MENUMENU西蒙·湯姆森- - - 4月19日,2023 2分鍾閱讀大腦皮層合成生物學實驗室創始人香港翁Chong啟動實驗室,這是開發一種新的人工智能使用人類大腦細胞,引發了1000萬美元(約合15美元)。墨爾本生物技術上升到突出去年10月當它與電腦芯片結合800000個腦細胞學會gam Pong播放視頻。這個項目被稱作DishBrain。生物計算集成lab-cultivated神經元從人類幹細胞與生物智能操作係統(biOS)硬矽和軟組織的混合物。圓是由香港VC視野企業在本地基金黑鳥公司的支持下,LifeX企業,雷達項目和硝煙中VC In-Q-Tel。香港喬納森Tam的視野將加入董事會。首都將看到該公司加快商業化生物智能操作係統(biOS)和完成預訂。皮質實驗室創始人和CEO鴻翁Chong相信人類神經元是一個新的和未開發的資源可能遠比任何數字的人工智能模型和DishBrain能夠增長,適應,比矽基人工智能和學習速度,以及使用更少的能量。“雜交人工智能的可能性與合成生物學模型可以解鎖是無限的,加速數字人工智能的可能性在一個更強大和更可持續的方式,”他說。“我們的技術將形狀和驅動的下一個前沿的人工智能,這新一輪的資本,我們很高興繼續加速研究和開發將DishBrain今年市場。“喬納森Tam視野企業說的一部分“令人興奮”的方法來人工智能的皮質實驗室的突破性技術是降低能源需求提供強大的計算。 “Ultimately, by being able to use these systems to better understand, and eventually harness, how neurons display intelligence, it will open up a plethora of applications, including a revolution in personalised medicine and disease detection'” he said. The other side of the startup’s work is the ability to develop and test new drugs and therapies for the central nervous system while also being able to check for cognitive side effects, which has not been possible until now. The Cortical Labs 1 (CL1) system will enable in-vitro cognitive testing for the life-sciences industry and the company hopes it will become an R&D platform for researchers from non-biological fields such as AI and engineering. Cortical Labs has partnered with Cambridge, UK biotech company Bit.Bio for the research and commercialisation of the CL1 along with their academic partners at the Organoid Intelligence alliance spearheaded by Johns Hopkins University. Bit.Bio founder and CEO Dr Mark Kotter said the Cortical Lab technology delivers a paradigm shift to assess the computational prowess of human neurons. “Psychiatric and neurological conditions impact the computational fabric of our minds, yet traditional neuroscience delves into electrophysiology, cell biology, and genetics,” he said. In-Q-Tel International managing director Clayton Williams said the startup has taken a new approach to solving computing challenges of the future. “The use of organoid intelligence is a step beyond artificial intelligence, one that leverages efficiencies developed over time spans of hundreds of millions of years,” he said. Radar Ventures managing partner Atlanta Daniels, said the technology will help to progress almost every industry on the planet. “We’re particularly excited by the potential to personalise and better manage the cognitive effects of life altering treatments like chemotherapy and antidepressants, and cognitive conditions like dementia,” she said.