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分享DriveWealth、有限責任公司、美國全球電子交易技術的領導者,宣布了一項5670萬美元的C係列圓加強當前的技術堆棧,使戰略性收購,組織其業務規模增長。圓是由Point72 Ventures LLC當前投資者,從猛禽集團參與投資,印度國家銀行控股公司和66號公路Ventures LLC。DriveWealth也歡迎兩個新投資者——Mouro資本和富達國際戰略投資。DriveWealth也加入其董事會新成員:彼得摩納哥從猛禽組、帕特威爾遜從66號公路,從印度國家銀行Yukiko羅伯茨,Donato Cuttone Cuttone & Company。“DriveWealth看到其合作夥伴開放比E *貿易賬戶2 q,施瓦布和TD Ameritrade和3 q增長了33% / 2問,“DriveWealth創始人兼首席執行官Bob Cortright說。“這種類型的活動與消費者的力量使它簡單立即開始投資。我們偉大的新資金投資者隻會民主化投資幫助我們提高我們的技術能力。基於“DriveWealth api的經紀業務基礎設施設計為數字時代現代化金融服務。DriveWealth技術允許其合作夥伴提供嵌入式的投資經驗,包括DriveWealth的實時以美元為基礎的投資能力,直接在自己的移動應用程序。公司使全球合作夥伴,包括網上經紀公司、數字顧問和移動在線金融服務公司,無縫地訪問美國證券市場。2020年相關職位10月31日DriveWealth目前與許多fintechs包括艙口,Revolut,股份,Moneylion提供美國股票市場在153個國家數以百萬計的散戶投資者。 In the last 12 months, DriveWealth has expanded into the HSA space and partnered with Access Softek to bring its offering to community banks and credit unions. “We are excited to support DriveWealth in its dominance of brokerage as an embedded finance capability for both fintechs and incumbents alike,” said Alokik Advani, Managing Partner at Fidelity International Strategic Ventures. “We believe that the company is well-positioned to further expand both its product offerings and partnerships and increase access to investment opportunities for people around the world.” Matt Ford , Partner at Mouro Capital said: “We’re really proud to be backing Bob and the DriveWealth team on the next stage of their growth journey. Brokerage is a complex, heavily regulated industry that has historically been hindered by legacy technology and product constraints. But a new generation of investors are expecting something different and better, and we believe DriveWealth will be the infrastructure that helps enable this globally. They have a unique, brilliant combination of deep brokerage experience and a high-quality developer-first platform which is powering some of the fastest growing investment propositions around the world.” “As incumbent and new financial services providers look to offer new products and better serve their customers, companies like DriveWealth will play a critical role in supplying the infrastructure that these firms need to innovate,” said Tripp Shriner , Partner at Point72 Ventures. “We’re excited to continue to support DriveWealth in their efforts to help give more consumers access to investing tools.” DriveWealth closed its Series B funding round, which totaled $21 million, in April of 2018. The company has received a total of $100.8M in funding to date.
猛禽組了34歲的投資。他們最新的投資項目錄取作為他們的一部分種子VC -二世在2023年6月6日。
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6/23/2023 |
種子VC -二世 |
項目錄取 |
3.2美元 |
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2 |
6/7/2023 |
一個係列 |
MatrixSpace |
10美元 |
是的 |
9 |
4/11/2023 |
私人股本——二世 |
鬼龍舌蘭酒 |
沒有 |
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9/21/2022 |
一個係列 |
9/20/2022 |
一個係列 |