Fintech星係,UAE-headquartered開放創新平台,已經獲得了200萬美元的種子資金,以進一步增強其開放金融平台的開發和推廣,因為它看起來進一步擴大和支持在中東和北非地區的金融包容。Fintech星係的投資輪據說是由喬丹阿赫利Fintech也收到了來自拉茲控股集團,OMQ投資,埃及的EFG EV Fintech沙特天使投資者和歐洲工商管理學院。Fintech星係是專注於創造一個開放的金融平台,與目標更新金融服務開放API之間基礎設施,提供集成Fintech公司和機構。平台將提供客戶數據從合作銀行機構通過其開放銀行api而使應用程序開發人員能夠創建新的應用程序和解決方案。microrna Sleiman Fintech星係的創始人和CEO,說:“Fintech星係正在推動的發展更豐富,更廣泛的金融技術生態係統遠遠超出銀行包括保險、資產管理、交流、和養老金。我們設計這個平台合作機構和監管機構從多個司法管轄區。民主化金融服務我們的主要目標是通過構建一個穩定和安全的基礎設施和支持金融機構之間平滑和標準集成和解決方案提供商。“開放金融是下一個合乎邏輯的步驟在開放銀行業的動作。金融數據,如抵押貸款、儲蓄、養老金、保險和消費信貸——本質上是一個客戶的金融足跡——可能打開了信任和監管第三方api(在獲得他們的允許)。開放銀行業,廣泛被世界各地許多國家越來越多地采用,使第三方開發者可以訪問客戶數據從他們的銀行服務提供者和作為一座橋金融科技平台。監管當局在中東和北非地區的發展適當的框架,可以為更大的開放銀行采用統一的技術標準和api一樣,客戶體驗指南和網絡安全標準。 The Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) recently directed all retail banking institutions and financial institutions in the country to implement the requirements for the second phase of the Bahrain Open Banking Framework (Bahrain OBF). The Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) is introducing an appropriate framework for Open Banking in the nation during H1 2022. Sleiman added: “For several years now, the financial sector of the Mena region has been abuzz with the concepts of ‘Open Banking’ and ‘Open Finance’. Our vision is to provide not only the technology infrastructure but rather enable the whole ecosystem to access data and payment channels via a unified API gateway and support financial institutions in their compliance with international and local Open Banking frameworks. This is a natural development of our Open Innovation platform and services.” Fintech Galaxy reports that it has set up the foundations via its cross-border Cloud-enabled innovation platform intended to promote collaboration, drive innovation and establish integration between financial institutions and Fintech companies. Many government agencies, banking institutions and Fintech firms are reportedly using Fintech Galaxy’s API Sandbox for various activities and proof of concepts (PoCs). Sponsored Links by DQ Promote