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Payscore宣布關閉ffVC為首的一輪融資。Payscore——FinTech公司自動化收入核查房地產經理人和消費者貸款——宣布成功近一輪融資ffVC領導的紐約,與海洋變化基金漢密爾頓項目,和西雅圖的天使聯盟加入資金。創立的目標加速delay-ridden過程雖然準確性最大化和責任風險最小化,Payscore自動化收入核查,削減一個小時或更多的時間處理每個應用程序。好幾次和Payscore產生準確報告速度的競爭。依靠工資單的過程來驗證收入導致的問題。不準確和不公平收入評估經常延遲和經常離開運營商麵臨欺詐和責任風險。所以作為回應,該公司創始人Fiebig和-阿裏芬開發一個解決方案提供準確的設計。這是一個重要的市場追求的美國住宅租賃市場包括約4400萬輛,平均每空置3年營業額和多個應用程序。Payscore幾十年的經驗在物業管理和軟件行業。和該公司聯合創始人兼首席執行官馬克Fiebig成功地領導角色在風險資本支持和自籌資金技術初創公司在幾個行業包括房地產特別是物業管理和汽車經銷商操作。 And Payscore CTO and co-founder Stephen Arifin and his engineering team provide technological leadership, having successfully shipped multiple products inside Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta. The additional members of the team each have over 30 years of directly relevant expertise. KEY QUOTES: “Verification of income deserves disruption on both sides of the transaction. We’re making it simple for applicants and operators to easily share and accurately assess the truth about income.” — Mark Fiebig, CEO and co-founder of Payscore “We’re excited about our solution’s ability to slash wasted time. Creating efficiency while ensuring fairness for hard-working people motivates our engineers every day.” — Stephen Arifin, Payscore’s CTO and co-founder “When verifying income, accuracy is everything. By analyzing consumer-permission data, Payscore ensures every applicant is evaluated fairly and objectively, even when income is cash-based, like tips, or fluctuates, like commissions.” Payscore eliminates a root source of fraud by integrating directly with financial institutions, reporting 100% bank-verified data and eliminating the need to collect and evaluate financial documents, or to guess whether those documents have been falsified. Fiebig commented, “We deliver the truth about income.” — Alex Katz, MD Partner at ffVC and Payscore board member “Rental demand exceeded supply for the last 10 years, persistently 35% of us are renters, and the market for income verification is large, growing, and self-renewing. The emerging dynamics of the modern workforce, inflation, and interest rate pressures create demand for property managers to reduce costs by automating processes, broadly increasing the value of Payscore’s solution.” — Prashant Kothari, MD of Hamilton Ventures, and the newest investor in Payscore Trending on Pulse 2.0
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
2/14/2023 |
種子風投 |
Payscore |
2.27美元 |
是的 |
2 |
1/31/2023 |
種子風投 |
佳利律師事務所 |
4.5美元 |
是的 |
7 |
11/15/2022 |
種子風投 |
CalmWave |
4美元 |
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6 |
6/29/2022 |
一個係列 |
5/19/2021 |
種子VC -二世 |
海洋變化基金有6 基金,包括海洋變化基金第六。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
5/21/2020 |
海洋變化基金第六 |
1.11美元 |
1 |
1/21/2020 |
海洋變化V基金 |
6/7/2018 |
海洋變化基金第四 |
6/12/2017 |
西雅圖天使基金III |
1/24/2017 |
西雅圖天使基金二世 |
截止日期 |
5/21/2020 |
1/21/2020 |
6/7/2018 |
6/12/2017 |
1/24/2017 |
基金 |
海洋變化基金第六 |
海洋變化V基金 |
海洋變化基金第四 |
西雅圖天使基金III |
西雅圖天使基金二世 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
1.11美元 |
來源 |
1 |