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披露:Dorsey報告接受謝禮在美國神經病學學會,美國神經學會,Excellus BlueCross BlueShield,國際帕金森病和運動障礙的社會,國家多發性硬化症協會,西北大學醫師教育資源、教育,斯坦福大學,德州神經社會和威爾康奈爾;賠償谘詢服務從雅培,AbbVie,阿卡迪亞,Acorda, Bial-Biotech投資,生原體,勃林格殷格翰的發言,加州太平洋醫學中心,香菜療法,Curasen療法,德納裏峰療法,禮來,基因泰克/羅氏,會診,亨廷頓研究小組,Informa醫藥谘詢、Karger出版物,LifeSciences顧問,MCM教育、Mediflix, Medopad, MedRhythms,默克,邁克爾·j·福克斯基金會NACCME,神經內分泌的,NeuroDerm, NIH,諾華,Origent數據科學、大塚,醫生的教育資源,實踐,教育,羅奇,布朗,McCarthy&Gruber,賽諾菲,開創性醫療、火花,施普林格醫療、Sunovion醫藥,治療先鋒,旅行者和WebMD;研究支持生原體、Biosensics Burroughs Wellcome基金,CuraSen,羅切斯特健康基金會,亨廷頓研究小組,邁克爾·j·福克斯基金會,國家衛生研究院,以病人為中心的結果研究所,輝瑞公司PhotoPharmics,莎拉生命科學基礎和波;Karger出版物編輯服務;的股票包括健康和Mediflix;在SemCap和所有權利益。主題添加到郵件提醒收到一封電子郵件在發布新文章時請提供您的電子郵件地址來接收電子郵件當張貼新文章。請稍後再試。如果你繼續這個問題請聯係customerservice@slackinc.com。回到Healio研究人員假定環境汙染物三氯乙烯可能導致帕金森病的上升,根據文獻綜述的帕金森病雜誌》上。 “Numerous genetic causes or risk factors for the disease have been identified, but the vast majority of individuals with PD do not carry any of these mutations,” E. Ray Dorsey, MD, professor of neurology at University of Rochester Medical Center, and colleagues wrote. A literature review found trichloroethylene may be an undetected and preventable cause of environmental hazard and sickness in humans including Parkinson’s disease. Image: Adobe Stock “One of these may be trichloroethylene, a ubiquitous chemical that has contaminated countless sites and poses health risks to those who are (often unknowingly) exposed via their work or their environment.” Dorsey and colleagues conducted a literature review of six studies that link trichloroethylene — a colorless, six-atom chemical widely used as an industrial solvent — to parkinsonism or PD, one of which dates back to 1969. They hypothesized that the chemical contributes to the global rise of PD and could be one of the disease’s “invisible and highly preventable causes.” Researchers detailed seven cases in which the chemical may be associated with development of PD, three of which describe likely environmental exposure and four that identify possible risk from occupational exposure. In addition, an epidemiological study linked occupational or recreational exposure to the solvent with a 500% increased risk for developing PD. Researchers also noted other adverse health effects linked to trichloroethylene, including low birth weight, congenital heart disease and other defects in infants whose mothers were exposed, as well as cancers and other organ system failures after birth. People are often unaware of their exposure, as the chemical, like radon, evaporates from underlying soil and groundwater and can go undetected in homes, workplaces and schools. Dorsey and colleagues recommended additional research to assess trichloroethylene exposure and future risk; rigorous cleaning and containment of contaminated sites; testing for trichloroethylene in water, soil and air and communicating risks to the public; discussing possible exposure with patients; and banning the chemical’s use. “For more than a century, [trichloroethylene] has threatened workers, polluted the air we breathe — outside and inside — and contaminated the water we drink,” Dorsey and colleagues wrote. “Most of this has been invisible, all of it is unacceptable, and none of it will stop until we act.” Read more about
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10/13/2022 |
C係列 |
NeuroFlow |
25美元 |
是的 |
4 |
2/23/2022 |
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1/31/2022 |
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11/8/2021 |
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11/14/2019 |
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10/13/2022 |
2/23/2022 |
1/31/2022 |
11/8/2021 |
11/14/2019 |
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A - II係列 |
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NeuroFlow |
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25美元 |
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4 |
SEMCAP有1投資組合退出。他們最新的投資退出SafeRide健康 在2022年7月20日。
日期 |
退出 |
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來源 |
7/20/2022 |
收購了 |
2 |
日期 |
7/20/2022 |
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來源 |
2 |
SEMCAP有2 基金,包括開創性Capital Partners我。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
3/4/2019 |
開創性Capital Partners我 |
收購和並購 |
開放 |
40美元 |
1 |
SEMCAP Healthtech基金 |
截止日期 |
3/4/2019 |
基金 |
開創性Capital Partners我 |
SEMCAP Healthtech基金 |
基金類型 |
收購和並購 |
狀態 |
開放 |
量 |
40美元 |
來源 |
1 |
SEMCAP有4 團隊成員,包括現任首席運營官管理合夥人,文斯Menichelli。
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文斯Menichelli |
QuantaVerse,實際的公司,安達信,和普華永道 |
首席運營官管理合夥人 |
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文斯Menichelli |
工作經曆 |
QuantaVerse,實際的公司,安達信,和普華永道 |
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首席運營官管理合夥人 |
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