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風險基金由芝麻工作室和紐約合作基金今年年初首次投資輔導平台稱為是的。具體來說,是的(原名MathCrunch)提出了400萬美元的種子擴展輪由Collab +芝麻,芝麻的企業是有限合夥人,將該公司的總資本迄今為止提高到750萬美元。是的在線連接學生和導師,通過其網站和本地iOS和Android應用程序。啟動特別專注於數學和科學教育。其服務目標13歲的學生,和解決主題從高中到大學。當學生們第一次打開是的,機器人簡要采訪他們確定主題和水平的輔導幫助他們需要匹配一個理想的導師。然後他們直接連接到一個老師的作業和考試準備的幫助,通過直接的消息。僅在美國市場,在線輔導服務比比皆是,包括Chegg CourseHero, eNotes, GotIt,大學教師,Wyzant和Tutor.com。是的創始人和CEO Naguib Sawiris說他的啟動是不同於這些,在某種程度上,因為它的會話是同行評議。大多數平台考慮客戶評級,這意味著學生或家長購買輔導會議。 But on the Yup platform, tutoring sessions are recorded and evaluated within 48 hours, anonymously, by other experienced tutors. A tutoring session on the Yup app. A reviewer gives feedback to Yup about how well a teaching tutor was able to guide a student to understand concepts in any given session. This peer-review method is part of what ensures tutors on the Yup platform do not merely hand out homework answers in a subject students may be grappling with. “We hold our tutors accountable to actual learning. There are too many cheat sites out there that just give students the answers and don’t care about learning,” Sawiris said. As a condition of raising this capital from Sesame Ventures, Yup committed to developing and selling services to charter schools and districts, which can distribute online tutoring help to students who need it, but whose families can’t afford the extracurricular expenditure. Investor Craig Shapiro said one reason Collab+Sesame backed Yup is the market opportunity, or demand for this kind of service, in the U.S. “Across public schools class sizes are larger, teachers’ attention is eroded, and curriculum quality has degraded. But tutoring is still largely happening offline. It’s like taxis before Uber. Nobody had cracked the nut on how to deliver learning, and not just give away answers online. Yup is doing this in a way that’s not just effective, but makes tutoring more affordable and accessible than having a teacher come to your house. We consider Yup’s competition to be not the other online players but the fragmented market of offline tutoring services,” the investor said. Earlier investors in Yup’s seed round included Floodgate and Index Ventures. Update: This post was updated to clarify the fact that Sesame Ventures has equity stakes in Yup via Collab+Sesame, a fund it jointly formed with Collaborative Fund in 2016, and in which it is a limited partner.
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
1/13/2023 |
D係列 |
開始 |
94.53美元 |
沒有 |
1 |
9/30/2020 |
C係列 |
6/6/2019 |
一個係列 |
4/17/2019 |
種子風投 |
2/1/2019 |
種子風投 |
日期 |
1/13/2023 |
9/30/2020 |
6/6/2019 |
4/17/2019 |
2/1/2019 |
輪 |
D係列 |
C係列 |
一個係列 |
種子風投 |
種子風投 |
公司 |
開始 |
量 |
94.53美元 |
新的嗎? |
沒有 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
1 |
芝麻的合資企業有1 基金,包括Collab +芝麻基金。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
2/1/2016 |
Collab +芝麻基金 |
10美元 |
1 |
截止日期 |
2/1/2016 |
基金 |
Collab +芝麻基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
10美元 |
來源 |
1 |
日期 |
類型 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
新聞片段 |
來源 |
4/19/2022 |
合作夥伴 |
美國 |
“芝麻卡通工作室的成功可以歸因於其協作,研究型方法高度參與的發展,國際媒體和節目,“皮特堰說,首席產品官,發現教育。 |
1 |
9/16/2021 |
合作夥伴 |
6/18/2020 |
合作夥伴 |
日期 |
4/19/2022 |
9/16/2021 |
6/18/2020 |
類型 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
美國 |
新聞片段 |
“芝麻卡通工作室的成功可以歸因於其協作,研究型方法高度參與的發展,國際媒體和節目,“皮特堰說,首席產品官,發現教育。 |
來源 |
1 |
芝麻的合資企業有10 團隊成員,包括,。
的名字 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
狀態 |
瓊Ganz Cooney |
創始人 |
當前的 |
的名字 |
瓊Ganz Cooney |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
創始人 |
狀態 |
當前的 |