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Shearman & Sterling





關於Shearman & Sterling

Shearman & Sterling是向金融機構提供服務的谘詢公司,新興成長型企業,政府和國有企業。公司總部設在紐約,紐約。





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最新的Shearman & Sterling新聞

Shearman & Sterling啟動法律行動服務時代的征兆


改變這個時代,我們的另一個跡象是,領先紐約Shearman & Sterling律師事務所正式啟動法律行動能力。佳利此前的精英競爭對手推出佳X,其innovation-focused法律交付的手臂。十年前許多不可能預計紐約頂級公司,麻煩不是高端法律谘詢和糾紛工作,但法律世界是發展的。的合法操作通過Shearman將提供一係列服務,包括法律技術幫助,數據分析,和自身的部門設計,但可能與ALSPs和其他團體在CLM新員工培訓時,與其他提供者處理實際實現和Shearman專注於更大的法律行動的照片。客戶顯然與這些地區需要幫助時,另一個原因由Shearman這麼做是幫助生成額外的收入與業務支持人員不是傳統fee-earning,但非常有價值的經驗,可以直接用於客戶端。倫敦安東尼•Widdop一直在公司幾年來和加入畢馬威(KPMG)將擔任項目主任隨著全球法律業務。Meredith Williams-Range CKO,勞倫斯·巴克斯特,首席技術官,也將扮演主要角色在新產品(見下麵的圖片)。Widdop告訴人工的律師說,他們還將提供Acceler8,一個特殊的“熱住房”能力,他們將與客戶在特定的挑戰在縮短時間間隔。的理想情況下我們每個人都在一個房間,我們將主題專家(從Shearman)和一個有經驗的主持人,”他解釋道。Widdop補充說,著名的科技谘詢公司埃森哲有類似的模型,幫助客戶迅速關注關鍵問題。 There will also be a ‘Legal Operations in Your Pocket’ facility, which will be a subscription-based service where GCs can regularly tap experts at Shearman for legal ops-related advice. Widdop noted that this launch has not happened overnight, and that the idea has evolved over several years. So far they’ve assembled around 40 partners, mostly in the US and UK, who will be engaging with clients on listening to their potential needs and looking out for trigger points that may drive legal ops demands. Meanwhile there are around 20 to 25 people in a variety of business support roles, mostly from the firm’s tech and ‘Client Value’ teams, who will play a key part in providing advice on legal ops areas, with this potentially growing in the future. This site asked Widdop why they have done this and if there was a lightbulb moment? Widdop said that although there were one or two events, such as clients needing the firm to work with ALSPs, that more broadly this had simply grown out of talking to clients who expressed a need for help. The clients, Widdop explained, often could not get the solutions to their problems from existing providers, and given that Shearman has been helping clients with their business needs for decades it made sense to extend their services into legal ops and deploy some of their most experienced staff to meet these needs. He added that for now they are focused on large, multinational companies, although not the global giants, in terms of providing their legal ops services. They are also very open to working with ALSPs and others to help provide a broader service to clients. Widdop reiterated that often their legal ops services may be needed when there is a trigger event, such as a company having a new GC or new management team, or there has been a merger, or perhaps that company’s core sector has been impacted by a major new regulatory change. Overall, the idea is to provide a joined-up offering, where legal ops and data analysis help (which stems from a successful internal legal data analysis project), is given alongside their main legal services, plus they will be open to working with others, such as ALSPs and the Big Four when needed. All in all this is an important development for the market. Offering legal ops help is perhaps not that new to some law firms, but as noted, New York’s top firms have long been seen as relatively immune to the changes going on around them in the rest of the legal world. Now, with this and also Cleary’s recent moves, we are starting to see the ‘top of the global legal market pyramid’ changing as well. And that’s good to see…! Share this:

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  • Shearman & Sterling是何時成立的?

    Shearman & Sterling成立於1873年。

  • Shearman & Sterling的總部在哪裏?

    Shearman & Sterling的總部位於599年的列克星敦大道,紐約。




