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美國和以色列FeelBetter提出了590萬美元的資金由波士頓,美國和特拉維夫的以色列,藥物管理技術的主要提供者和先鋒Pharmaco-Clinical情報FeelBetter籌集了590萬美元資金。8月2日,該公司宣布投資2023。Firstime企業和Shoni健康企業領導的融資公司。同時,隨機森林風投集團企業,現有FeelBetter投資者Triventures加入了資金。到目前為止,這家公司現在籌集的資金總額達800萬美元。公司的官方所添加Liat Primor, FeelBetter首席執行官和創始人之一,說:“FeelBetter專用技術可以提供更個性化的病人藥物管理方法——一個超越了單一的疾病,診斷,或時間點,全麵關注每個個體的關懷之旅。時投資者尤其他們選擇的類型的賭注,這一輪和信任投票的世界級的團隊在Fristime企業,Shoni健康企業,隨機森林VC, Triventures,和企業集團,以及天使投資人,驗證的需要和潛在Pharmaco-Clinical情報作為解決方案的增長,全球衛生挑戰帶來的理想藥物管理。“此外,推斷Hordan, FeelBetter的首席技術官,首席運營官,和創始人之一,說,“資金將使我們能夠擴大我們的影響力,進一步完善我們的解決方案,並讓更多的衛生保健提供者提供個性化的、積極主動的關心。Pharmaco-Clinical情報,由臨床和藥理學專家一起合作開發技術和機器學習專家、無縫匹配特定病人的臨床和藥理數據與他們的衛生事件序列。這個解鎖無與倫比的精度檢測高危患者單獨和全民,使新的疾病預防管理的精度水平。“投資者必須添加邁克爾•Kerbis創始合夥人隨機森林VC,進一步說,“FeelBetter的算法一直在訓練兩個幾十年的縱向臨床、製藥、索賠,從成千上萬的病人和實驗室數據中找到模式複雜的連接和不同數據源之間的關係。 When taken together, these patterns can capture the full picture of a patient’s health journey, enabling FeelBetter to predict which individuals are at the greatest risk of adverse events related to suboptimal medication regimens and recommend timely clinical interventions to drive better health outcomes.” Besides, Eran Lerer, CEO and Managing Partner, Shoni Health Ventures, said, “From risk stratifying patients to preventing adverse events so patients can safely stay in their communities, FeelBetter offers a proven, end-to-end solution for the suboptimal medication management problem. It’s a groundbreaking tool that is poised to change how the medical community approaches polypharmacy, and we’re thrilled to take part in this important transformation.” In addition, Keren Kopilov, Partner, Firstime Ventures, said, “By incorporating the expertise of physicians and clinical pharmacists, as well as leveraging data from all relevant sources, FeelBetter provides a solution that is uniquely comprehensive. It intuitively fits into clinical workflows and enables optimized medication management at unparalleled speed and scale. We look forward to leveraging our expertise to support FeelBetter’s mission and continued growth as it meets the tremendous opportunities ahead.” About the company Liat Primor and Yoram Hordan launched the company in 2018. FeelBetter is the pioneer of Pharmaco-Clinical Intelligence. It revolutionizes the polypharmacy paradigm on both an individual and population health level with a comprehensive solution designed to tackle the challenges associated with suboptimal medication management. The company leverages AI and machine learning capabilities to drive personalized medication management, and aid healthcare professionals in ensuring that their patients’ medication regimens are safe, effective, and appropriate. For more extensive analysis and Market Intelligence reports, feel free to approach us. We try our best to fact-check and bring well-researched as well as non-plagiarized content to you. Please let us know if there are any discrepancies in any of our published stories, -how we can improve, -what stories you would like us to cover –what information you are looking for in the comments section below or through our contact form! We look forward to your feedback, and thank you for stopping by!
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7/31/2023 |
種子風投 |
FeelBetter |
5.9美元 |
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7/6/2023 |
A - II係列 |
10/26/2022 |
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7/6/2023 |
10/26/2022 |
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A - II係列 |
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FeelBetter |
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5.9美元 |
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2 |
Shoni健康企業有1 基金,包括我Shoni健康投資基金。
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