申請日 |
授予日期 |
標題 |
相關的話題 |
狀態 |
4/15/2013 |
10/30/2018 |
圖、電子郵件、間諜、化學過程、軍事情報 |
格蘭特 |
申請日 |
4/15/2013 |
授予日期 |
10/30/2018 |
標題 |
相關的話題 |
圖、電子郵件、間諜、化學過程、軍事情報 |
狀態 |
格蘭特 |
Revolear,人工智能(AI)的數字交易平台連接買家和賣家在雲中,最近推出了,結合功能結構,提出、協商和批準的交易在一個共享的數據來源。和企業SaaS平台是前Salesforce,速度和Siebel高管有三十年經驗的談判商業交易和發展中可配置的企業軟件。該公司最近還宣布600萬美元的種子資金來自銷售和CRM主管克雷格•拉姆齊馬克Armanante,年輕的孫,馬特•瓦拉赫和詹姆斯·拉姆齊,共同創立了Veeva和速度,Salesforce以15億美元的價格收購。隨著企業優先更加雄心勃勃的數字轉換活動,審批人員在B2B決策過程的數量增長。和買家和賣家都挑戰使利益相關者圍繞一個解決方案,經常導致優柔寡斷和失去的機會。Revolear賦予團隊處理優化的新方法,溝通和協作,最終帶來更多的交易關閉。拉辛格(manmohan Singh)的創始人兼首席執行官Revolear,設計了CRM產品近25年,開始為金融服務產品線負責人CRM先鋒Siebel係統和產品的高級副總裁,在速度。和他擔任高級副總裁和總經理在Salesforce發現Revolear,看到新的機會利用人工智能在B2B銷售。隨著越來越多的企業組織發展活動圍繞“業務收入”而不是銷售,Revolear提供單一數據源為商業事務的所有方麵,從發現通過談判和批準。Revolear的核心是專有DealCraft解決方案建模技術,使平台很容易適應範圍廣泛的行業和商業結構。 Revolear’s digital deal platform is now available via a limited pilot program. KEY QUOTES: “The pandemic kept sales reps out of their customer’s offices, and it turns out that eight of 10 B2B buyers actually prefer it that way. We’re in a new era of hybrid selling – with remote salespeople and digital channels augmenting the field team. Solutions are getting more complex, and more of the buyer’s decision process is happening online. Sales organizations have been relying on siloed applications and redlined documents to manage complex deals. Revolear moves the dealmaking process into the digital realm, where customers want to collaborate with their sales representatives.” “Revolear provides us the opportunity to reimagine enterprise deal tools right as the next wave of technology, generative AI, comes to market. We’ve infused AI in every facet of the platform – from predicting optimized pricing with machine learning to synthesizing requirements and draft proposals with GPT to intelligently automating approval workflows.” — Raja Singh, founder and CEO of Revolear “What the Revolear team has built extends well beyond the salesperson. It will connect legal, finance, operations and all the other revenue functions on a single platform. Revolear provides a 360° view of a deal, and they all need that data.” — Craig Ramsey, Revolear investor, chairman of Vlocity, and former Salesforce board member “Salespeople and their customers need the flexibility to be creative in their negotiations, without the technology restricting them. DealCraft allows users to extend and customize deals, while still benefiting from AI-sourced predictions and automated workflows.” — Adam Rutland, co-founder of Revolear and the architect behind Salesforce’s low-code OmniStudio platform Trending on Pulse 2.0
Siebel係統總部位於2207 Bridgepoint百彙,聖馬特奧。
Siebel係統的最新一輪融資是Acq - P2P。