NEG降低運營成本,保證節能從西門子6月21日2023年日本電氣硝子(底片)是世界領先的特種玻璃製造商。公司致力於實踐可持續生產和想投資於其維根設施變得更加節能和改善現有工藝和設備的操作效率。×史蒂夫•Keeton NEG董事總經理解釋說,“十多年來我們一直意識到能源效率要求。不僅僅因為我們如此高的能源密集型的用戶和花費很多錢,還因為更廣泛的道德和倫理困境在我們使用自己的能量,特別是碳來源。”“所以我們買道德有向循環,因為我們的產品進入風力渦輪葉片的50%,但我們想水平在提高能源效率和投資在我們的維岡的網站。“業務轉向技術和金融專家從西門子分析工廠流程和建議一個戰略的方法來提高其能源使用。維岡設施的全麵評估後,西門子確認關鍵領域工藝和設備可以實現改進效率。這包括安裝新的西門子電機和控製器、水泵、流量計和近3000個LED燈配件更換。利用其融資部門的專長——西門子金融服務(SFS)——西門子保證預期儲蓄在過去的5年合同。“通常你隻做一個項目,試圖證明自己的價值。這意味著更小的更複雜的是往往間隙。但SFS使我們這些完全封裝成一個定期付款。” “What’s more we didn’t have to start repaying the finance until we’d seen the benefit of the projects. So the benefit was all frontloaded for us. Only when the verified savings came in did we start repaying the lease. We’ve actually managed to achieve more savings than those guaranteed so not only did the team at Siemens exceed expectations but we’ve also been able to bolt-on further projects since.” Under the energy performance contracting agreement, the end-to-end solution from Siemens spread NEG’s payments over the 5-year term to align with the guaranteed savings, effectively making the investment net zero cost. With the installation of the technology, NEG is now seeing significant reductions in operating costs, totalling around 3 million EUR across the financing period. “Because the Siemens teams were ideal partners for us, we’ve spun a new project out of this relationship. We are now working on the business case for a digital twin which will help us to identify bottlenecks and other critical areas. It really makes a difference working with people who understand the industry so well and who help make investment in greener processes affordable.” Carolyn Newsham, Digital Industries Financing Partner, Siemens Financial Services GB&I, “By leveraging the full force of digitalisation and the Siemens family, NEG was able to structure investment around reliable savings estimations. This has not only produced major savings in both financial and energy terms but also paved the way for future projects to continue to reduce its carbon footprint.”
西門子金融服務的總部位於130年Pandurang Budhkar高山草地,最高,孟買。