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美國——英語分享這篇文章分享本文阿拉伯聯合酋長國(UAE)用戶可以通過語音指令控製連接的智能家居設備由於SoftAtHome Alexa的技術部署。巴黎,2023年5月30日SoftAtHome,從一個獨立的軟件公司的寬帶、視頻、和分析,今天宣布已經被選為“e”etisalat Alexa語音控製可信的解決方案提供商提供最新的智能eLife機頂盒(STB)和後端軟件讓Alexa在阿拉伯語和英語語音控製功能。SoftAtHome發表了世界上第一個機頂盒支持環相機環之間通過啟用視頻攝像機和阿聯酋電信通過e eLife電視的娛樂平台。新一代的機頂盒包括智能揚聲器和麥克風,一個物聯網芯片,啟用了聲音的機頂盒Alexa特性用英文和阿拉伯語。由e阿聯酋電信用戶將受益於聲控客廳媒體和服務中心,為方便連接使用網絡和遠場家服務直接從舒適的沙發。Khaled El Khouly消費者總監etisalat e阿聯酋,說:“很高興與他們的知識集成SoftAtHome亞馬遜Alexa作為一個額外的好處在我們的新的“智能生活家庭控製”服務,提供智能生活的承諾和區分從其他地區服務提供商。我們的客戶現在可以輕鬆地使用他們的聲音來控製家裏所有的連接設備。他們還可以使用此應用程序來管理他們的設備從任何地方在他們的家門外的智能生活應用,提供顯著的改善他們的生活方式的機會。”David Viret-Lange, CEO of SoftAtHome, added: "Voice assistants are our new daily life companions. We bring voice command expertise and have been an Amazon Alexa trusted solution provider since 2020. I am proud that etisalat by e&, our partner for many years, has relied on our expertise to deliver the end-to-end voice solution on their latest set-top boxes, enhancing the end-user video experience." etisalat by e&'s Smart-living customers can now control connected smart home devices with Alexa voice commands, accessible and controllable through their eLife TV. They can operate various compatible actions by voice in front of their TV, such as switching channels, controlling volume, searching for content, controlling their Smart home object, seeing who is at their front door (if equipped with Amazon Ring compatible doorbells), playing music, reading the news, setting timers and alarms, and more. With deployments of its watch'ON solutions in several markets, and now in UAE, SoftAtHome has become a leading Amazon Alexa enabler in the service provider ecosystem for more immersive experiences. SoftAtHome delivers a complete solution to etisalat by e&, including the backend infrastructure. Its cloud based VASP solution enables a connected home experience, including Alexa video skills. About SoftAtHome SoftAtHome is an independent software provider with six different solutions for broadband (Connect'ON), Wi-Fi (Wifi'ON), Security (Secure'ON), Smart Home (Things'ON), video (Watch'ON), analytics and QoE monitoring (Eyes'ON). Telecom and broadcast operators deploy the company's products in over 25 million home networks and millions of mobile devices. The company, owned by operators, has over 300 employees, mainly software engineers committed to open-source communities such as prpl or RDK. SoftAtHome's hybrid products uniquely leverage the best from Cloud-based software components and software embedded in multiple mobile and fixed devices. For Press Information Contact: About etisalat by e&, UAE 'etisalat by e&' embodies the telecom arm of e& in the UAE, with a mission to maximise stakeholder value, deliver an unparalleled customer experience and optimise business performance for sustainable growth and success. Leveraging the latest world-class technologies, etisalat by e& will grow core and digital services, enriching consumer value propositions with digital services catering to new consumer lifestyles and emerging demands beyond core telecom services, including health, insurance, and gaming. etisalat by e& will continue to act as a trusted partner to enterprises in meeting their connectivity needs and beyond. Bolstering its leadership position as a digital telco that champions customers in a hyper-connected digital world, etisalat by e& will pivot the new sustainable demand into future spaces such as private networks, autonomous vehicles and AI. To learn more about etisalat by e&, please visit: https://www.etisalat.ae
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業務合作夥伴 |
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5/30/2023 |
客戶端 |
阿拉伯聯合酋長國 |
Softathome成功交付Etisalat e阿聯酋的智能控製服務與亞馬遜Alexa住家裏 Khaled El Khouly消費者總監etisalat e &阿聯酋,說:“很高興與他們的知識集成SoftAtHome亞馬遜Alexa作為一個額外的好處在我們的新的“智能生活家庭控製”服務,提供智能生活的承諾和區分從其他地區服務提供商。 |
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5/22/2023 |
客戶端 |
挪威 |
安娜·Hvattum Telenor寬帶&服務主管,說:“我們很高興與SoftAtHome合作推出頻段下我們的新產品。 |
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2/22/2023 |
客戶端 |
印尼 |
Telkomsel改善質量的經驗和服務在印尼因感謝SoftAtHome “多年來,我們一直在處理Telkomsel,因與當地合作夥伴的支持和專業GMI公司,我們盡量減輕他們的日常任務,提高終端用戶體驗的質量,“SoftAtHome的首席執行官David Viret-Lange補充道。 |
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2/22/2023 |
客戶端 |
10/19/2022 |
合作夥伴 |
日期 |
5/30/2023 |
5/22/2023 |
2/22/2023 |
2/22/2023 |
10/19/2022 |
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客戶端 |
客戶端 |
客戶端 |
客戶端 |
合作夥伴 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
阿拉伯聯合酋長國 |
挪威 |
印尼 |
新聞片段 |
Softathome成功交付Etisalat e阿聯酋的智能控製服務與亞馬遜Alexa住家裏 Khaled El Khouly消費者總監etisalat e &阿聯酋,說:“很高興與他們的知識集成SoftAtHome亞馬遜Alexa作為一個額外的好處在我們的新的“智能生活家庭控製”服務,提供智能生活的承諾和區分從其他地區服務提供商。 |
安娜·Hvattum Telenor寬帶&服務主管,說:“我們很高興與SoftAtHome合作推出頻段下我們的新產品。 |
Telkomsel改善質量的經驗和服務在印尼因感謝SoftAtHome “多年來,我們一直在處理Telkomsel,因與當地合作夥伴的支持和專業GMI公司,我們盡量減輕他們的日常任務,提高終端用戶體驗的質量,“SoftAtHome的首席執行官David Viret-Lange補充道。 |
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