
















在其目前的形式來看,ChatGPT更類似於一個比其他的搜索引擎,作者寫道。——帕特裏克Daxenbichler / Dreamstime TNS人工智能,或者人工智能,有可能徹底改變我們的社會的許多方麵,但也有可能是有害的。隨著人工智能變得更高級的和廣泛的,它提出了一個道德問題如何影響工作,隱私和不平等。總體來說,重要的是要仔細考慮的潛在缺點AI和采取措施減輕。它會嚇到你,如果我說上麵的段落是寫完全由人工智能嗎?的確,使用新的AI叫做ChatGPT我鍵入以下查詢:“寫我一個開段關於人工智能的危險。“ChatGPT是由OpenAI創業成立於大科技巨頭Elon Musk部分。在外表上,軟件就像一個典型的搜索引擎。但在函數,它的目的是表現的像一個聊天框對話,旨在喚起用戶和程序之間的對話的感覺。後一個星期內推出,它已經積累了超過一百萬用戶。難怪為什麼。 The various uses of this sort of advanced AI range from the practical to the whimsical. ChatGPT can answer basic questions, of course, such as, “What is the capital of Zimbabwe?” When prompted, it will list the various causes of the Great Depression or provide a cogent summary for why James Buchanan was a bad president. The most intriguing aspect of the AI lies in its creative capacities. It is able to conjure up a poem about the movie “Legally Blonde,” construct an imaginary dialogue between Abraham Lincoln and George Washington or draft a short speech about why “Mr. Tambourine Man” is the best Bob Dylan song. The possibilities are virtually endless. But from a practical perspective, ChatGPT is capable of much more. It can draft sophisticated legal contracts and business agreements. It can write programming language using complex code, which was once the exclusive province of computer geeks and Silicon Valley techies. And, yes, it can even produce opinion articles – although this one, for better or worse, was written by the author. Still, the improvement of AI is not an unmitigated good. There is an entire subgenre of science fiction foretelling catastrophic consequences should AI ever come into competition with humanity – think the evil Skynet from “The Terminator” film franchise or the entire plot of “I, Robot.” Setting aside doomsday scenarios, the more immediate threat is not killer robots but job-killing robots. The main worry will be for those occupying low-skilled jobs. At particular risk are those who earn a living by answering phones, working at a counter or otherwise providing customer service. These are the positions most susceptible to being taken away by AI. The truth, though, is that this evolution has been coming for a long time. Self-checkouts at stores and self-ordering kiosks at restaurants have been growing in popularity for years. If anything, AI will merely speed up a trend that is, in all likelihood, unstoppable. Another concern is the possibility that kids in school will use AI to circumvent reading and writing assignments. When prompted, ChatGPT can, for example, write a passable essay on the theme of race in the oft-assigned novel “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Back when I was in middle school, I had to make do with a combination of SparkNotes and renting the movie featuring Gregory Peck from Blockbuster. The reality is that clever students will find shortcuts with or without artificial intelligence. Ultimately, fears about AI are overblown. In its current form, ChatGPT is more akin to a souped-up search engine than anything else. Indeed, for most purposes, it is simply a more expedient way to search the web. It quickly synthesizes information that might otherwise have required hours of tediously sifting through Google links. Further, the program is not infallible. As others have pointed out, it is sometimes incorrect as to matters of fact. As is often the case with AI, it’s unable to account for every nuance of the English language. Given a few tries, those who are intent on stumping the program will be able to achieve their goal. AI will make life more efficient going forward, much in the same way that search engines have made life easier for the past two decades. As a bonus, it can even help with the age-old problem of writer’s block. In the event that an op-ed writer is unable to come up with a satisfactory conclusion, help is at hand – just ask ChatGPT for ideas. – Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service Article type: free



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