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03/09/2023 | 12:05pm EST信息:*必填字段歐洲數字服務集團SQLI今天公布2022年年報,由董事會批準的會議上,菲利普Donche-Gay主持,2023年3月9日。在合並財務報表的審計程序進行。在€2021 - IFRS審計數據收入增長(+ 9%)SQLI加速經濟增長在2022年合並營收增加9%,主要是有機,€245.9。在法國實施措施提振其業務,增長+ 9.7% (€130.7)。該集團的國際業務(€115.2),生成上漲8.4%,近47%的收入。日常活動的收益增加(+ 64%)和正常化淨收入(+ 100%)由於這堅實的業務增長,加上更高的利潤,目前運營盈利能力改善€21.5 (8.7%)。在法國有顯著增加,目前的營業利潤上升了6.7%,至3.5。有11.0%的盈利能力、國際商務上漲了2.2點。營業收入(息稅前利潤)股價上漲38%,至€16.2米,盡管€5.3年淨非流動費用(包括大約€3.0與2022年收購和長期激勵計劃)。完整的再融資相關費用占€1.1米,淨債務成本(€4.0),和稅收費用(€3.4)。 The consolidated net profit was €7.7m compared with €5.3m in 2021. Restated for non-recurring expenses mainly related to the takeover bid and the refinancing, the normalised net profit would double to €11.9m. LOW NET DEBT/EQUITY RATIO (4%) SQLI generated €15.0m in free cash flow [2] . This flow includes the partial use of factoring reserves (€6.5m) to finance growth and takes into account non-recurring items (takeover bid, refinancing). SQLI therefore had gross cash of €22.2m at the end of 2022. In February 2022, SQLI completed a full refinancing by issuing a seven-year bullet bond for €28m and fully repaid its €49m in financial debt (syndicated and State-guaranteed loan). The group also negotiated two additional lines of credit (CAPEX credit and 36-month RCF line) for a total of €30m, not used to date, to finance its development. Net financial debt (excluding IFRS 16) totalled €5m for equity of €110.6m. OUTLOOK After a return to normal health conditions, the demand for digital experience services shows no signs of losing steam. Many companies in the B2B sectors still have plans to implement e-commerce and experience platforms and, in particular, marketplaces. In B2C, our large customers need to shift their systems towards more flexible architectures. SQLI is taking steps to meet these needs with the effective integration of its international subsidiaries, reorganisation by area of expertise in France, and ongoing investment in its development centre in Morocco. Thanks to the financing secured in 2022, SQLI will also be able to make targeted acquisitions. In this context, SQLI's goal is to maintain its revenue growth and continuously improve its profitability in 2023. Receive SQLI financial news free of charge by e-mail by signing up at: www.actusnews.com About SQLI: Founded in 1990, SQLI is a European digital services group that supports major international brands in creating value through Digital. Its creative and technical teams are committed to providing customers, consumers, and users with new and engaging experiences based on the best technologies and methodologies, as well as their skills and convictions. They design, develop, and deploy strong and effective architectures that improve companies' agility, increase their efficiency, and promote their growth. SQLI's 2,100 employees are spread over 13 countries: France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Morocco, Mauritius, and Dubai. In 2022, the SQLI group generated revenues of €246m. SQLI has been listed on Euronext Paris (SQI) since 21 July 2000.
日期 |
類型 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
新聞片段 |
來源 |
3/2/2023 |
供應商,和客戶端 |
美國,和 |
英國首席執行官約翰特薩頓SQLI經驗:' '它' s一個真正的特權與這樣一個標誌性的品牌工作像鋒利的,其內部項目團隊和我們的長期戰略合作夥伴,Adobe。 |
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3/2/2023 |
客戶端,和供應商 |
日本,和美國 |
英國首席執行官約翰特薩頓SQLI經驗:' '它' s一個真正的特權與這樣一個標誌性的品牌工作像鋒利的,其內部項目團隊和我們的長期戰略合作夥伴,Adobe。 |
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1/17/2023 |
合作夥伴 |
荷蘭 |
與可組合low-code平台Novulo SQLI建立夥伴關係 與可組合low-code平台Novulo SQLI建立夥伴關係。 |
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1/5/2023 |
合作夥伴 |
4/5/2022 |
合作夥伴 |
日期 |
3/2/2023 |
3/2/2023 |
1/17/2023 |
1/5/2023 |
4/5/2022 |
類型 |
供應商,和客戶端 |
客戶端,和供應商 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
美國,和 |
日本,和美國 |
荷蘭 |
新聞片段 |
英國首席執行官約翰特薩頓SQLI經驗:' '它' s一個真正的特權與這樣一個標誌性的品牌工作像鋒利的,其內部項目團隊和我們的長期戰略合作夥伴,Adobe。 |
英國首席執行官約翰特薩頓SQLI經驗:' '它' s一個真正的特權與這樣一個標誌性的品牌工作像鋒利的,其內部項目團隊和我們的長期戰略合作夥伴,Adobe。 |
與可組合low-code平台Novulo SQLI建立夥伴關係 與可組合low-code平台Novulo SQLI建立夥伴關係。 |
來源 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
SQLI有6 團隊成員,包括目前的首席技術官,彼得Youell。
的名字 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
狀態 |
彼得Youell |
首席技術官 |
當前的 |
的名字 |
彼得Youell |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
首席技術官 |
狀態 |
當前的 |