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(給InKind圖)給InKind,塔科馬,洗。的創業公司,幫助人們創造給平台來支持他們的朋友和家人,被沃爾夫收購,匹茲堡,賓夕法尼亞的禮品卡公司。交易條款沒有披露。給InKind將繼續運營其平台。說:“我們對此感到非常興奮,”勞拉·馬爾科姆給InKind的首席執行官。“他們將權力很多技術為我們擴大我們的產品線。”馬爾科姆說,她擔心再次試圖籌資在不確定的經濟條件。啟動是接近盈利,但處理沃爾夫將增強其路線圖,同時返回一些資本投資者。前產品領袖馬爾科姆創業學習核心和Brighter.com等將繼續領導給InKind擔任CEO。9-person公司仍將在塔科馬,南邊的西雅圖。 Founded in 2016, Give InKind aims to help streamline the giving process between friends and family and those in need of meals or other aid as they go through difficult life situations. It lets users send GrubHub deliveries, gift boxes, and more than 200 digital gift cards to recipients. The pandemic drove demand for the company, as hundreds of hospitals and healthcare facilities began using Give InKind to streamline their meal donations. It has facilitated more than $5 million in support to individuals and organizations across the U.S. The company went through layoffs earlier this year and cut its marketing spend to help extend runway, as many other tech startups have done throughout 2022. Give InKind raised $3.3 million from investors including Madrona Venture Group; Trilogy Equity Partners; Keeler Investments; FAM Fund; Grubstakes; X Factor Ventures; Alliance of Angels; SeaChange; Tacoma Venture Fund; Tapas Capital; James and Geraldine Moody. It graduated from Graham & Walker’s accelerator program in 2019. Wolfe originally launched in 1996 and is led by CEO and founder Jason Wolfe . The company operates PerfectGift.com, GiftYa.com, and GiftCardGranny. It sold GiftCards.com for $120 million in 2016. Wolfe said the company plans to offer Give InKind’s service to corporate clients for employee engagement and “scale up the consumer awareness of such a great service.”
塔科馬的風險基金9投資。他們最新的投資出站的人工智能作為他們的一部分種子VC -二世在2023年6月6日。
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
6/21/2023 |
種子VC -二世 |
出站的人工智能 |
16美元 |
是的 |
6 |
9/29/2022 |
種子風投 |
8/1/2022 |
種子風投 |
3/9/2022 |
種子風投 |
2/15/2022 |
種子VC -二世 |
日期 |
6/21/2023 |
9/29/2022 |
8/1/2022 |
3/9/2022 |
2/15/2022 |
輪 |
種子VC -二世 |
種子風投 |
種子風投 |
種子風投 |
種子VC -二世 |
公司 |
出站的人工智能 |
量 |
16美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
6 |