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他們這個東西叫移動虛擬網絡運營商(MVNO)通常情況下,在美國有一個MVNO進入處理移動網絡運營商(MTN說,如果留意,Airtel, AT&T, Verizon)和獲得批量訪問網絡服務在批發利率,然後出售給終端用戶。大多數mvno使用他們自己的客戶服務、計費支持係統、營銷和銷售人員。你會認為他們是一個完整的網絡運營商,但他們沒有!業務的工作原理是這樣的:100萬年1月你去MTN買小時的電話,1000 gb的數據,100萬短信和MTN,批量購買給你60%的折扣。然後打開一個業務像Tekedia電信和轉售給最終用戶。你區分通過客戶服務、定價創新等雖然核心基礎設施和網絡是由MTN。Tekedia資本尋找建築在這一領域的創新者尼日利亞市場。我們明白,電信業監管機構(尼日利亞通信委員會)是給予許可。我們有偉大的思想MVNO如何解鎖大量機會通過基於業務模型;一個案例研究:激勵客戶去訂閱物流、電子商務、等領域,支付訂閱可以解鎖很多好處,包括可負擔得起的數據計劃。 Think of Jumia Prime subscription shoppers who also get cheap phone services from Jumia! The playbook here is to execute a double play strategy where the MVNO may not deliver the direct financial rewards, but would accelerate value capture via other ways. Tekedia Capital believes that startups within our portfolio can create GREAT PRODUCTS by using the telecom-based services for subscription-based customers, delivering superior customer retention and value capture over time. Yes, if you sign up for an annual subscription to use the Tyms Book accounting package, RoPay payroll services , OurPass agency network , etc, you can also get affordable data from a really great network service operator. Also, companies can do zero-metering more effectively, with subscribed-customers having the ability to use certain services even when they have no data! Our Contribution: We will provide users and also business models, working with our portfolio companies. In some cases, we will pay in bulk for the data, etc. We have many companies in our portfolio, and we can work with the partner to design great products to unlock value in the market. If you are interested, please contact capital@tekedia.com. Our members can also explore investing in the MVNO if you have experience with a track record in this domain. About GetFundedAfrica GetFundedAfrica is a cloud-based technology platform that specializes in developing software that helps businesses with growth, storytelling and funding. Whether you want to raise funds ranging from $100k to $50m or you simply want to grow your business, sign up for free at www.getfundedafrica.com source : Tekedia capital Tags
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5/26/2023 |
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BoundlessPay |
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5/22/2023 |
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8/7/2021 |
合作夥伴 |
尼日利亞 |
BusinessDay夥伴Tekedia迷你mba商業教育民主化 事實上,一個成功的早期跡象的計劃是尼日利亞的銀行最近簽署夥伴關係、Tekedia迷你MBA的銀行行業為創新者提供200萬美元的資金從Tekedia迷你MBA。 |
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日期 |
8/7/2021 |
類型 |
合作夥伴 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
尼日利亞 |
新聞片段 |
BusinessDay夥伴Tekedia迷你mba商業教育民主化 事實上,一個成功的早期跡象的計劃是尼日利亞的銀行最近簽署夥伴關係、Tekedia迷你MBA的銀行行業為創新者提供200萬美元的資金從Tekedia迷你MBA。 |
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