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新聞分享這篇文章提供了高安全性和低延遲使變革數字通信慕尼黑,2023年7月10日——Rivada空間網絡和IEC電信宣布簽署一份諒解備忘錄,使創新連接陸地和海上通信的解決方案。Rivada OuterNET將提供高速、低延遲的連通性與全麵覆蓋全球。(PRNewsfoto / Rivada空間網絡)IEC電信是一個國際衛星服務運營商提供行業領先的衛星通信解決方案,政府、公共機構和企業在世界各地。IEC電信專門從事海事行業的數字化以及陸地上提供遠程通信GSM覆蓋不可為人道主義行動提供可靠的通信和特殊任務。城市網絡,該公司提供了一個強大的衛星備用,確保業務連續性。通信領域發展迅速,現在供應商能夠提供第一代地球低軌道(LEO)衛星連接。但並不是所有LEO網絡平等Rivada現在提供的是第一個真正的“OuterNET”:一個全球性的低延遲點對點連接的LEO衛星網絡。這是什麼使Rivada獨特的新一代架構結合inter-satellite激光與先進機載數據路由器創建一個光學空間網狀網絡。這種方法“軌道網絡”,數據在空間,允許訪問一個超衛星網絡與南極到北極,提供端到端的延遲比陸地纖維相似或更好。通過物理分離網絡,路由流量Rivada提供了一層防禦任何組織需要長距離安全地共享數據。 For the humanitarian sector, IEC Telecom will leverage Rivada's OuterNET to provide leading NGO agencies with enhanced connectivity for the coordination of humanitarian efforts, the safety of remote workers, the security of NGO assets, and the sustainability of long-term operations. From housing and food distribution to education and medicine, all field requirements will be supported to allow humanitarian missions to expand their reach and multiply their scope of services. In addition to land connectivity services, IEC Telecom will use Rivada's OuterNET to provide enhanced ICT infrastructure for the maritime environment, further expanding digitalization at sea. IEC Telecom offers cyber-secure network solutions optimized for the maritime sector. Powered by Rivada's OuterNET, these technologies will support digital decarbonization globally by helping vessels improve onboard operations, leading to reduced fuel consumption. "This partnership supports IEC Telecom's commitment to pursue innovation for the best customer experience. Rivada's service will allow us to expand our network's SLA and offer high-throughput data connectivity 'fiber-like' in the sky versus DSL-like today," said Erwan Emilian, CEO & Partner at IEC Telecom Group. He added: "We are excited to explore cost-effective packages for the humanitarian sector and test the resilience of maritime connectivity in the open sea. We are confident that Rivada is on its way to becoming a key market player in the satcom world." Declan Ganley, Rivada Space Networks CEO, said: "We are delighted to be working with IEC Telecom to support their high throughput voice and data services." Ganley added: "We are moving full speed ahead to deploy the first true OuterNET, with its unique data-connectivity capabilities. Both of our companies see the importance of providing ultra-secure, highly reliable low latency communications anywhere on the globe." About Rivada Space Networks Rivada Space Networks is set to establish and operate the first true "OuterNET": a global low latency point-to-point connectivity network of LEO satellites. By connecting its satellites with lasers, Rivada Space Networks will provide resellers and B2B customers with the ability to securely connect any two points on the globe with low latency and high bandwidth. The constellations, comprising 600 low-earth-orbit communications satellites, will represent a fundamental change in the availability of secure, global, end-to-end enterprise-grade connectivity for Telecom, Enterprise, Maritime, Energy and Government Services markets. Rivada Space Networks is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rivada Networks, Inc. www.rivadaspace.com Follow Rivada Space Networks on:
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9/16/2009 |
E係列 |
Zolo技術 |
1.5美元 |
沒有 |
2/24/2004 |
D係列 |
LightPointe |
17美元 |
沒有 |
12/10/2002 |
C係列 |
LightPointe |
9美元 |
沒有 |
6/14/2002 |
E係列 |
10/17/2001 |
B係列 |
日期 |
9/16/2009 |
2/24/2004 |
12/10/2002 |
6/14/2002 |
10/17/2001 |
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E係列 |
B係列 |
公司 |
Zolo技術 |
LightPointe |
LightPointe |
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1.5美元 |
17美元 |
9美元 |
新的嗎? |
沒有 |
沒有 |
沒有 |
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電信合作夥伴有4投資組合出口。他們最新的投資退出通過Net.Works 在2005年10月21日。
日期 |
退出 |
公司 |
收購者 |
來源 |
10/21/2005 |
資產出售 |
1 |
日期 |
10/21/2005 |
退出 |
資產出售 |
公司 |
估值 |
收購者 |
來源 |
1 |
電信合作夥伴有3 基金,包括電信合作夥伴三世LP。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
1/12/2000 |
電信合作夥伴三世LP |
早期風險資本 |
關閉 |
500美元 |
1 |
4/6/1998 |
電信合作夥伴II LP |
11/5/1995 |
電信合作夥伴我LP |
截止日期 |
1/12/2000 |
4/6/1998 |
11/5/1995 |
基金 |
電信合作夥伴三世LP |
電信合作夥伴II LP |
電信合作夥伴我LP |
基金類型 |
早期風險資本 |
狀態 |
關閉 |
量 |
500美元 |
來源 |
1 |
電信合作夥伴有7 團隊成員,包括當前的管理合夥人,Elsner威廉J。
的名字 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
狀態 |
Elsner威廉J |
管理合夥人 |
當前的 |
的名字 |
Elsner威廉J |
工作經曆 |
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管理合夥人 |
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當前的 |