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印尼的Asa任超額認購8.15美元共同上調最高收獲首都Kejora資本,馬西Venture Partners 2月13日,2023年任Asa,這位DNA數據公司在印尼,已經在上周宣布關閉一個新的早期一輪815萬美元的資金。這一輪超額認購由高層共同收獲資本(美國矽穀),Kejora資本(Kejora-SBI軌道基金和資本馬來西亞軌道),和瑪西Venture Partners(美國矽穀),北極星的參與企業,Naya資本,PT診斷公司Utama Tbk,和許多知名的天使投資人,Asa任正非在一份聲明中說。作為圓的一部分,Kejora資本的創始人和合夥人安迪Zain將加入公司董事會和首席執行官InterBIO Irawan無毒。這個資金,Asa任旨在使印尼的創新醫療行業通過縱向和基因組數據的使用加速藥物發現和個性化的治療。目前,該公司提供了一個直接麵向消費者DNA測試,提供了360多份報告,包括傾向的健康風險,血統,和其他報告對於成年人來說,年輕的父母和孩子。在更大程度上,新注資將允許該公司擴大其努力深化其數字功能,臨床生物信息學發展電子健康護照,clinico-genomic數據庫集中在非傳染性疾病。此外,該公司還計劃增加醫療診斷和完成客戶的健康數據。“我們公司非常滿意這個資金。尤其值得信任的有信譽的合作夥伴和全球投資者對我們來說是一種榮譽。這也標誌著一個裏程碑式的成就在印尼的動態基因組和醫療行業發展。 Asa Ren is focused on building this industry with all our key partners,” said Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Asa Ren Aloysius Liang. Asa Ren is one of Indonesia’s first DNA data company which aims to accelerate drug discovery and personalized treatments for Southeast Asia’s healthcare industry by developing clinico-genomic databases from both healthy, and confirmed diagnostic populations. The firm’s suite of technology allows its customers to understand and manage their own healthcare data through their genetic profile, 360 phenotypes, and medical records for a more personalized healthcare experience. With the data model built, the platform powers Asa Ren’s data and innovation group to be an integral part of the pharmaceutical industry’s research, development and innovation arm, focused in human genetics across a spectrum of disease areas – including oncology, cardiovascular diseases, and in addition to other non-communicable diseases – in bringing a higher quality healthcare options. Asa Ren’s vision is to build the most diverse global clinico-genomic databases. “The Asa Ren team is uniquely positioned to bring genomics at scale to the Indonesian population. Their partnerships, their laboratory capabilities, and the scope of their ambition stood out for us,” said Adam Ghobarah from Top Harvest Capital. As one of the Board of Directors at Asa Ren, Andy Zain, the Founder and Managing Partner of Kejora Capital also shared his support for the biotechnology company succession. “Indonesia has the highest biodiversity in Southeast Asia with 1,300+ ethnic groups in the country. This provides a ripe opportunity for innovation and genetic research to improve the health and welfare of the country. We believe Asa Ren has all the right ingredients to capture this opportunity,” he said. According to the statement, Asa Ren has signed service agreements with more than 47 prominent hospital and clinic partners and is expecting to grow its distribution footprint to more than 60 hospital and clinic partners by the end of 2023. The company is looking forward to bringing its value-added capability to escalate and improve Indonesia’s healthcare and ecosystem.
上收獲的資本了9投資。他們最新的投資Inato作為他們的一部分A - II係列在2023年3月3日。
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公司 |
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新的嗎? |
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來源 |
3/29/2023 |
A - II係列 |
Inato |
20美元 |
是的 |
8 |
2/9/2023 |
一個係列 |
10/12/2022 |
種子風投 |
9/21/2022 |
種子風投 |
9/21/2022 |
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