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阿波羅,第六街和同步競購installment-lending平台的全部或部分,消息人士告訴CNBC。高盛可能需要減記。發表2023年6月23日,邁克爾·m·聖地亞哥/員工通過蓋蒂圖片社投標購買installment-lending平台GreenSky低於它的主人,高盛(Goldman Sachs)希望,刺激銀行的前景可能不得不減記銷售,CNBC星期五報道。“每個人都已經進入低,高盛團隊不斷後退,重擊桌子上的價值,“投標人告訴網絡之一。KKR、阿波羅全球管理第六街夥伴,華平和同步的投標人在6月初GreenSky,知情人士告訴CNBC的銷售過程。高盛本周繼續談判和一個小群競拍者網絡的消息人士表示。如果銀行是沮喪,其信息不顯示。“我們高興參與競購者,”高盛發言人托尼·弗拉托(Tony Fratto)告訴CNBC和路透社。“我們中間的過程,我們會了解更多我們前進。”Goldman bought Atlanta-based GreenSky in a $2.24 billion all-stock deal it announced in September 2021. But the fintech’s valuation was closer to $1.7 billion when the transaction closed in March 2022, a person with knowledge of the matter told the network. Rumors about the fate of GreenSky have swirled ever since Goldman retooled its structure in October , placing the fintech under a unit it dubbed Platform Solutions, alongside its credit-card business with Apple and General Motors, and a subset of corporate-client work through Marcus. Goldman pinned $3 billion in losses on Platform Solutions in January, and teased the next month that it might put GreenSky up for sale. Goldman CEO David Solomon confirmed the move in April to analysts, calling GreenSky “a good business” that is “performing well,” but acknowledging “we may not be the best long-term holder” for it. Executive flight Meanwhile, at least three executives with responsibility toward GreenSky have left Goldman — temporarily or otherwise. Swati Bhatia , the Goldman executive who was listed as co-CEO of GreenSky, announced her departure in January, just before Goldman cut 3,200 positions firmwide . Peeyush Nahar, Goldman’s global head of consumer business, said in February that he would leave the bank and take on an advisory role. And Stephanie Cohen , the head of Platform Solutions, said this month she would take a leave of absence to focus on her family. “This break will allow me to be the best I can be for Goldman Sachs upon my return, which is something I have taken pride in my entire career,” Cohen said in a memo. However, several sources told The New York Post this month Cohen’s exit may be permanent. “Lots of people have ‘family issues’ when their boss can’t run a business,” one source told the publication, which highlighted potential frustration from Cohen over Goldman’s risk-averse culture. “This is Cohen leaving in a way that doesn’t embarrass David,” a source with knowledge of the decision told the Post. “David can’t afford more people walking out.” Fratto, however, called the rumor of Cohen’s permanent departure “100% untrue.” “She will be returning to Goldman Sachs,” Fratto told the Post. “To suggest anything else is completely inaccurate and is relying on speculation from people who are in no position to know.” A write-down warning Goldman President John Waldron warned at a conference this month that the bank might take a write-down on the $500 million in goodwill it paid in connection with the GreenSky deal, or on the premium it paid above the platform’s book value. Goldman, for its part, has been fielding offers for all of GreenSky's business, as well as separate bids for the platform’s loan origination business and its book of existing loans, people familiar with the process told CNBC. Bidders, however, seem to disagree on value. One bidder told the network the origination platform is worth roughly $300 million, while another said it was worth closer to $500 million.
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
3/1/2023 |
B係列 |
色度醫學 |
135美元 |
是的 |
7 |
2/22/2023 |
Unattributed |
米蘭激光 |
是的 |
2 |
12/21/2022 |
貸款 |
隨著國際 |
2300美元 |
是的 |
2 |
9/6/2022 |
B係列 |
3/29/2022 |
C係列 |
日期 |
3/1/2023 |
2/22/2023 |
12/21/2022 |
9/6/2022 |
3/29/2022 |
輪 |
B係列 |
Unattributed |
貸款 |
B係列 |
C係列 |
公司 |
色度醫學 |
米蘭激光 |
隨著國際 |
量 |
135美元 |
2300美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
是的 |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
7 |
2 |
2 |
第六街的合作夥伴有30. 基金,包括第六街專業貸款歐洲II。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
1/8/2021 |
第六街專業貸款歐洲II |
1225美元.35m |
2 |
11/18/2020 |
第六街農業VSC |
1 |
8/17/2020 |
道 |
22500美元 |
2 |
6/20/2020 |
TSSP相鄰機會合作夥伴(B) |
6/10/2020 |
第六街基本戰略合作夥伴(一個) |
截止日期 |
1/8/2021 |
11/18/2020 |
8/17/2020 |
6/20/2020 |
6/10/2020 |
基金 |
第六街專業貸款歐洲II |
第六街農業VSC |
道 |
TSSP相鄰機會合作夥伴(B) |
第六街基本戰略合作夥伴(一個) |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
1225美元.35m |
22500美元 |
來源 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
日期 |
類型 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
新聞片段 |
來源 |
5/20/2022 |
合作夥伴 |
西班牙 |
:皇馬達成3.6億歐元的協議第六街開發新業務在伯納烏球場,LaLiga俱樂部周四表示。 |
1 |
5/19/2022 |
合作夥伴 |
5/1/2020 |
合作夥伴 |
3/18/2019 |
合作夥伴 |
3/18/2019 |
合作夥伴 |
日期 |
5/20/2022 |
5/19/2022 |
5/1/2020 |
3/18/2019 |
3/18/2019 |
類型 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
西班牙 |
新聞片段 |
:皇馬達成3.6億歐元的協議第六街開發新業務在伯納烏球場,LaLiga俱樂部周四表示。 |
來源 |
1 |
服務提供者 |
相關的輪 |
提供者類型 |
服務類型 |
收購了 |
投資銀行 |
財務顧問 |
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收購了 |
提供者類型 |
投資銀行 |
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財務顧問 |
第六街的合作夥伴有6 團隊成員,包括當前的創始合夥人,維漢。
的名字 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
狀態 |
維賈伊漢 |
創始合夥人 |
當前的 |
的名字 |
維賈伊漢 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
創始合夥人 |
狀態 |
當前的 |