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在特拉維夫證券交易所上市的以色列可再生能源公司Solegreen在聖誕節前獲得了來自UniCredit、ING銀行和Société Générale的近1.4億歐元綠色貸款,這筆貸款將用於再融資其意大利工廠的投資組合,並為在該國的進一步投資提供資金。具體而言,該交易涉及位於意大利不同地區的30家工廠和20家公司,總裝機容量超過30兆瓦。GMB Consulting協調了融資合同的簽訂過程,並處理了成本談判的各個方麵。Solegreen還得到了Ashurst的協助,提供財務文件;ValeCap擔任財務顧問;Rödl &法律、稅務和企業盡職調查的合作夥伴;和歐華律師事務所提供稅務和法律資料。該協議是Solegreen在意大利實施戰略計劃的一個重要裏程碑,該公司指出:“這筆融資將使我們能夠加強我們的地位,加速我們在該地區的活動。收購的項目受益於高關稅,再加上有吸引力的融資,預計將為Solegreen帶來強勁而穩定的現金流,投資資本的回報也很高。”閱讀更多關於Solegreen的信息,並通過我們的配套應用Born2Invest查找來自世界各地的最新財經新聞。 Solegreen builds, operates, and maintains solar photovoltaic power projects The company currently has a portfolio of 80 MW of income-producing assets, with dozens of megawatts of projects under construction, and about 1.4 GMW of projects under development throughout the territories in which it operates, namely Israel, the United States, Italy, Germany, and Greece. Solegreen is controlled by the Generation Capital fund, which has extensive experience in the infrastructure, energy, and capital market sectors. The company is then participated in by a number of leading institutional entities such as Clal Insurance, Migdal, Meitav Dash, and The Phoenix. Generation Capital, founded by Yossi Singer and Erez Balasha, had gone for control of Solegreen in August 2019, acquiring 70 percent of it for €11.7 million (or 44 million shekels). To date, it owns about 56 percent of the capital. By a small margin, Generation Capital at the time had outbid Lahav LR Real Estate, which had put up 41 million shekels. The two companies jointly held a 70% controlling stake in Solegreen, in equal shares. Generation Capital then bought the Israeli environmental solutions company Ges in 2021 for about €29 million, which, in turn, had acquired the company engaged in water recycling Aqwise. __ DISCLAIMER: This article was written by a third party contributor and does not reflect the opinion of Born2Invest, its management, staff or its associates. Please review our disclaimer for more information. This article may include forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words “believe,” “project,” “estimate,” “become,” “plan,” “will,” and similar expressions. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks as well as uncertainties, including those discussed in the following cautionary statements and elsewhere in this article and on this site. Although the Company may believe that its expectations are based on reasonable assumptions, the actual results that the Company may achieve may differ materially from any forward-looking statements, which reflect the opinions of the management of the Company only as of the date hereof. Additionally, please make sure to read these important disclosures . First published in Be Beez , a third-party contributor translated and adapted the article from the original. In case of discrepancy, the original will prevail. Although we made reasonable efforts to provide accurate translations, some parts may be incorrect. Born2Invest assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions or ambiguities in the translations provided on this website. Any person or entity relying on translated content does so at their own risk. Born2Invest is not responsible for losses caused by such reliance on the accuracy or reliability of translated information. If you wish to report an error or inaccuracy in the translation, we encourage you to contact us.
裕信銀行已經做出了49歲的投資.他們最新的投資已經到位Casavo作為他們的一部分未歸屬- II在2022年12月12日.
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
12/21/2022 |
未歸屬- II |
Casavo |
10.6美元 |
是的 |
1 |
12/15/2022 |
債務- II |
尼泊爾 |
622.6美元 |
沒有 |
3. |
10/24/2022 |
債務 |
H2綠鋼 |
3450美元 |
是的 |
5 |
9/30/2022 |
二級市場 |
9/6/2022 |
信用額度 |
日期 |
12/21/2022 |
12/15/2022 |
10/24/2022 |
9/30/2022 |
9/6/2022 |
輪 |
未歸屬- II |
債務- II |
債務 |
二級市場 |
信用額度 |
公司 |
Casavo |
尼泊爾 |
H2綠鋼 |
量 |
10.6美元 |
622.6美元 |
3450美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
沒有 |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
1 |
3. |
5 |
意大利聯合信貸銀行有15投資組合出口.他們最近一次退出投資組合是Taulia 在2022年1月27日.
日期 |
退出 |
公司 |
收購者 |
來源 |
1/27/2022 |
公司多數 |
3. |
11/2/2021 |
首次公開募股 |
公共 |
3. |
7/5/2021 |
合並 |
1 |
意大利聯合信貸銀行有2 基金,包括聯合信貸金融科技基金.
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
2/19/2016 |
聯合信貸金融科技基金 |
222.6美元 |
1 |
基金中的基金 |
截止日期 |
2/19/2016 |
基金 |
聯合信貸金融科技基金 |
基金中的基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
222.6美元 |
來源 |
1 |
日期 |
類型 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
新聞片段 |
來源 |
5/3/2022 |
供應商 |
法國 |
上個月,Worldline擴大了與泛歐銀行聯合信貸銀行(Unicredit)的合作關係,允許該行的客戶通過一個單一的應用程序編程接口,將其在歐洲其他銀行的賬戶連接起來。 |
4 |
4/19/2022 |
供應商 |
法國 |
除了開放銀行的合作夥伴關係,聯合信貸銀行還與Worldline簽署了長期支付處理協議,以處理奧地利和德國的所有SEPA交易、即時支付、多貨幣、國內和高價值支付。 |
2 |
1/25/2022 |
供應商 |
意大利 |
聯合信貸銀行已與歐洲支付科技公司Nexi合作,將其SoftPOS解決方案介紹給聯合信貸銀行的客戶。 |
1 |
10/20/2021 |
供應商 |
10/11/2021 |
供應商 |
日期 |
5/3/2022 |
4/19/2022 |
1/25/2022 |
10/20/2021 |
10/11/2021 |
類型 |
供應商 |
供應商 |
供應商 |
供應商 |
供應商 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
法國 |
法國 |
意大利 |
新聞片段 |
上個月,Worldline擴大了與泛歐銀行聯合信貸銀行(Unicredit)的合作關係,允許該行的客戶通過一個單一的應用程序編程接口,將其在歐洲其他銀行的賬戶連接起來。 |
除了開放銀行的合作夥伴關係,聯合信貸銀行還與Worldline簽署了長期支付處理協議,以處理奧地利和德國的所有SEPA交易、即時支付、多貨幣、國內和高價值支付。 |
聯合信貸銀行已與歐洲支付科技公司Nexi合作,將其SoftPOS解決方案介紹給聯合信貸銀行的客戶。 |
來源 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
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