Fennovoima提交Hanhikivi執照更新2022年3月29日分享Fennovoima提交一個更新的申請施工許可證Hanhikivi 1核電站芬蘭外交部就業和經濟。維護公司估計,它可能獲得牌照,今年夏天,明年開始建設。然而,萬塔之城說市政能源公司必須退出該項目。準備在Hanhikivi正在準備建設網站,照片攝於2021年4月(圖片:Fennovoima) Fennovoima提交的250頁的施工許可證申請工廠,建造在芬蘭北部Pyhajoki, 2015年,此前簽署的供應合同1200兆瓦aes - 2006 VVER單位Rosatom的核電站出口海外子公司Rusatom。提交的更新,3月28日,描述了“物質變化和發展”項目自原始應用程序提交,Fennovoima說。這些包括更改相關設計方案、供應鏈、環境問題和網站安全性和準備安排,不改變電廠的主要工作原理。”項目的基本原理是不變的,它不會受到影響的範圍的更新。電廠項目將實現在Pyhajoki Hanhikivi半島,所述原始應用程序,”首席執行官約阿希姆Specht說。把設計和許可材料到芬蘭的水平要求,包括監管審查時間,已略超過預期,該公司表示。更新估計,今年夏天可以獲得建築許可證,開始建設工廠在2023年夏季和2029年開始投入商業運營。 However, Finland's Minister for Economic Affairs Mika Lintila last month said that any permit for the plant would be "at least significantly delayed" due to the current situation in Ukraine. The estimated total investment cost has been increased to EUR7-7.5 billion (USD7.7-8.3 billion), up from the previously announced estimate of EUR6.5-7 billion. As the plant supply contract is a fixed-priced contract, these additional costs are due to expenses from Fennovoima's own operations. Vantaa steps back The Hanhikivi project is owned by Fennovoima. The company is majority owned (66%) by Voimaosakeyhtiö SF, a Finnish company with shareholders including major Finnish corporations and several local energy companies. The city government of Vantaa on Monday announced it had instructed Vantaan Energia to seek to exit Fennovoima's Hanhikivi 1 project, saying the situation in Ukraine makes it "unlikely" that a construction permit for the project will be granted, based on public governmental statements and ongoing sanctions and security against Russia. "If this is the case, the Government must resolve the matter as soon as possible and prevent the inappropriate use of public funds for the project," the municipality said. Vantaan Energia has invested EUR39.6 million in the project to date, and with a total liability of up to EUR90 million, so its unilateral withdrawal from the project would only be possible by selling its shares in Voimaosakeyhtiö. At present there is no realistic market for the company's shares, the city said, although an exit could also take place by a unanimous decision of Fennovoima's shareholders to terminate the construction project or through national and international regulations or sanctions, it added. The remaining 34% of Fennovoima is held by RAOS Voima Oy, the Finnish subsidiary of Russian state nuclear energy corporation Rosatom. Researched and written by World Nuclear News Related topics
Vantaan Energia籌集了總計31.24美元。