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來源:AdobeStock /非洲工作室通常複雜的過程的新員工培訓新用戶Web3可能已經變得更簡單:美國啟動贖回聲稱簡化這個過程通過允許用戶與加以標記(非功能性測試)通過他們的電話號碼。啟動了250萬美元的種子計劃資金由數字asset-focused投資公司Kenetic資本,參與,從單色資本VC3刀,該基金立交橋,CMT數字化,KCRise基金,和KESTREL0x1 Axios報道。它將使用這筆資金繼續構建其核心技術和產品發布為Q2。救贖是一個公司,提供Web3技術,允許用戶發送和贖回非功能性測試使用他們的電話號碼。任何加密的錢包在任何網絡用戶可以聯係到他們的電話號碼,然後讓他們掃描二維碼贖回效用等非功能性測試票,忠誠點,遊戲內物品,等等。他們還可以通過短信發送和接收非功能性測試,蘋果iMessage,或WhatsApp,無需支付天然氣費用或知道外部的錢包的地址。贖回創始人托比拉什說,創業,“一切都是關於電話號碼,”他補充說,通過這種方法,一個人與一個錢包通過現有的驗證係統。“另一個使用很酷的事情,你的電話號碼是你自動消除所有機器人和有效地消除幾乎所有的欺詐行為,”拉什說。他還指出,它通常是非常具有挑戰性的車載用戶收集非功能性測試和實際使用它們。贖回,網站說。數字資產的聯係用戶已經知道的東西,而不是要求他們學習新的係統或改變行為。 Users can "access everything, all wallets, all worlds, all you need" - including eCommerce, metaverse, and gaming - with one phone number. Source: redeem.xyz Kenetic Capital Founder Jehan Chu was quoted as saying that "adoption is the Holy Grail of Web3," and that Redeem's core features allow users to access Web3 with no crypto or blockchain knowledge. Chu argued that, "This is a game-changer for traditional enterprise companies who want to reduce cost and drive new user engagement via Web3 without complicated or risky crypto processes." Meanwhile, Rush also founded the biometric ID verification firm EyeVerify, which was acquired for $100 million in 2016 by Ant Group, Alibaba's financial services arm. Rush led the International Technology investments Team for Ant Group, and prior to that, he was CEO of ZOLOZ, an Alibaba digital identity platform that evolved from EyeVerify. Kenny Conklin II is co-founder and COO at Redeem. Per the website, he was previously the President of the crypto market maker Analytico Trading, the COO of family investment office AzimuthZero, President and COO of Farmobile, an agtech startup that sold to AGI, and SVP of BATS Global Markets, a global stock exchange operator that sold to CBOE. "I love creating new user experiences that surprise and delight while hiding the complexity of the technology," said Rush. "The ability to create, engage, and own assets outside the traditional walled gardens — like Apple or Google or Ticketmaster — while retaining trust is the biggest promise of Web3. To realise the power of this new technology, we have to make it approachable and familiar to the masses," he concluded. ____
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新的嗎? |
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來源 |
5/23/2023 |
計劃 |
Num金融 |
1.5美元 |
是的 |
4 |
4/4/2023 |
種子VC -二世 |
3/1/2023 |
計劃 |
2/15/2023 |
種子風投 |
9/13/2022 |
種子風投 |
日期 |
5/23/2023 |
4/4/2023 |
3/1/2023 |
2/15/2023 |
9/13/2022 |
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計劃 |
種子VC -二世 |
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種子風投 |
種子風投 |
公司 |
Num金融 |
量 |
1.5美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
4 |