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Galvanick——網絡安全解決方案,防止工業基礎設施的網絡攻擊——最近宣布其1000萬美元的種子。這一輪的主要投資者包括MaC風險資本,創始人基金,全球村,倒計時,漢諾威技術投資管理,聳聳肩,8090年行業,和超過25天使投資者專門從事網絡安全、生產、金融和防禦。Galvanick計劃使用資本的額外的核心員工,擴大利用其初始產品——一個industrial-first擴展檢測和響應(XDR)平台-額外的先進製造和關鍵的基礎設施。Galvanick是由一個熟練的團隊,包括聯合創始人約書亞斯坦曼的前前國家安全委員會高級主任網絡架構的2018年全國網絡策略,以及創始人布蘭登公園,幫助站起來亞馬遜全球工業網絡安全項目和Feliks Pleszczynski,前交易員,經濟學家和白宮職員。工程團隊在Galvanick來自亞馬遜,穀歌,乳房,和柏克德,確保工業係統對網絡攻擊上有豐富的經驗。在過去的30年裏,工業企業已經取代了人工操作設備與計算機設備、交易效率提高下行風險不得而知,可能是毀滅性的。這些工業係統現在越來越頻繁的網絡攻擊的情況下,可以妥協藥品生產,關閉在煉油廠安全係統,或破壞數百萬磅的肉,花費數十億美元在過去五年。Galvanick的創始團隊花了6個月麵試專家來自世界各地的明白為什麼保護工業係統對網絡攻擊是如此具有挑戰性。最後,它的兩個關鍵的見解:第一,工業網絡安全人才極其昂貴的雇傭(最近的一項調查了少於10000人),其次,不同的工業分析實時數據流幾乎是不可能的。Galvanick最初的產品——這是一個industrial-first XDR平台——從工業資產總量數據和環境,並持續監控的威脅,使業務和IT /安全團隊快速理解之間的差異,和上下文,正常和惡意行為。 The current estimates put industrial cybersecurity spending at 20 billion dollars per year and growing. As machinery gets connected to networks, the potential points of failure drastically increase. Galvanick combats risks to industrial systems and networks, creating a new gold standard of cybersecurity. The attacks against industrial infrastructure are increasing, and bringing with them the risk of significant downtime, and even physical hazards. And recent incidents at major industrial facilities have cost billions of dollars. Plus without any ability to continuously monitor industrial infrastructure against cyber attacks, the insurance industry is re-evaluating its coverage for cyber threats. At the same time, the Federal Government is looking at new requirements for critical industries to protect their infrastructure. Under Steinman’s tenure as the senior cyber policymaker in the United States, he led government-wide efforts to improve the cybersecurity of the maritime industry, space industry, defense industry, and critical infrastructure. And that activity has continued with the 2023 National Cyber Strategy, which has continued and accelerated much of his work, with regulations being developed at numerous departments and agencies. KEY QUOTES: “Cyber attacks against industrial systems are on the rise, and they not only affect a firm’s bottom line, but can pose a physical hazard to facilities and employees. Hiring industrial cybersecurity specialists is hard; the Galvanick platform was built with industrial systems in mind, and enables your existing team to watch over these critical environments while preserving uptime and reliability.” — Joshua Steinman, CEO and Co-Founder of Galvanick “Galvanick is building on years of both open source technology development, and cybersecurity research. Cybersecurity breaches are a looming threat over industrial companies; we are excited to help Galvanick bring cutting edge technology to market.” — Mike Palank, General Partner at MaC Venture Capital Trending on Pulse 2.0
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新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
6/21/2023 |
種子風投 |
宏觀試驗 |
6美元 |
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1 |
6/7/2023 |
一個係列 |
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52美元 |
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6/1/2023 |
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10美元 |
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5/23/2023 |
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5/22/2023 |
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全球村有3 基金,包括全球村。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
3/16/2018 |
全球村 |
早期風險資本 |
開放 |
100美元 |
4 |
村全球第二 |
村全球選擇 |
截止日期 |
3/16/2018 |
基金 |
全球村 |
村全球第二 |
村全球選擇 |
基金類型 |
早期風險資本 |
狀態 |
開放 |
量 |
100美元 |
來源 |
4 |