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分享CodiumAI宣布的測試版生成AI-powered代碼完整性解決方案,交互式地協助開發人員在測試他們的代碼,和一個1100萬美元的種子資金共同通過葡萄樹企業和合作夥伴與著名天使投資人包括男子高管從OpenAI Snyk和VMware。這個資金,CodiumAI首次發展人工智能模型,稱為TestGPT。可疑的軟件質量成本我們公司在2.08萬億年僅2020美元。當錯誤移動軟件開發生命周期,解決這些化合物的成本。防止軟件錯誤比修複他們,防止錯誤的最好方法是測試經常和徹底。但測試是困難了開發人員的重要組成部分。盡管大多數開發人員發現代碼審查非常有價值,隻有一些測試他們自己的代碼。“開發人員編寫測試的代碼既愛又恨。他們喜歡它帶來的質量,但討厭花時間在這。CodiumAI來改變這種情況,提供免費自動生成軟件測試套件建議開發人員,從Python, JavaScript和打印稿。 We help developers eradicate bugs and code with confidence,” said CodiumAI CPO and co-founder Dedy Kredo . “In the last few months we have witnessed the rise of coding assistants like GitHub Copilot and the explosion of ChatGPT. We work on the confluence of these developments, fine-tuning generative AI for testing code logic. CodiumAI IDE Extensions, and our TestGPT model, are the first steps towards our mission: making code integrity feasible, for any code and all developers!” said CodiumAI CEO and co-founder Itamar Friedman. Friedman and Kredo are serial entrepreneurs with backgrounds in software development, machine learning and product management. They founded and exited startups and led product and R&D teams at the likes of Alibaba Cloud. They started CodiumAI to address a chronic pain point they have dealt with throughout their careers: verifying and validating code. Related Posts CodiumAI is currently available as an extension for popular IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) such as VSCode, PyCharm and WebStorm. Coverage for more IDEs and programming languages is planned for the immediate future, as well as support for additional features and collaborations. CodiumAI has already been installed by thousands of users since its closed-alpha-release in January 2023. “CodiumAI is addressing a real need in the market. There are already tools to check software vulnerabilities, other tools to test performance, and now even tools that help developers generate code. But a solution for testing code logic is missing, and it is not a coincidence, as it is a very challenging task – it is almost like getting into the mind of the one who wrote the code. CodiumAI is a creative, targeted and focused use of generative AI and an application that provides value immediately,” said Brian Sack, an Investor at TLV Partners. “Generative AI has its own stack composed of infrastructure, models, and applications. It’s a nascent domain and the jury on where and how value creation happens is still out. What we do know is that delivering versatile technology paired with UI/UX that is purpose built for the user workflow definitely helps. CodiumAI not only offers an innovative application, but also builds IP in the model layer. We are excited to see the team and product adoption grow; and look forward to a bright future bringing tremendous value to users,” said Dan Povitsky, Vine Ventures’ co-founder.
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來源 |
10/25/2022 |
B係列 |
Alto神經科學 |
35美元 |
是的 |
9 |
5/9/2022 |
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3/1/2022 |
一個係列 |
12/16/2021 |
種子風投 |
6/24/2021 |
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日期 |
10/25/2022 |
5/9/2022 |
3/1/2022 |
12/16/2021 |
6/24/2021 |
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B係列 |
計劃 |
一個係列 |
種子風投 |
A - II係列 |
公司 |
Alto神經科學 |
量 |
35美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
9 |