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丹•沃爾特斯美德信號是當代公民生活的克星。政治家、政黨、非盈利組織,甚至企業大聲宣布支持任何原因是時髦或受某一段的人口,而缺乏能力,甚至經常意圖,看到它。盡管這類表達式的道德支持溫暖的心可能導致的狂熱的信徒,他們的意思是小在現實的世界裏,正如老話所說,行動比言語更響亮。美德信號的例子比比皆是,如立法機構通過的一項法案和州長簽署的加文•紐森創建一個委員會推薦賠款為黑人祖先奴役的加州人。紐森,et al .,熱情的支持者的原因提出了。他簽署了2020年的立法,紐森表示,將正確的內置的“結構性種族主義和偏見和滲透在我們的民主和經濟機構。“然而,現在料的邊緣,委員會的賠償建議,這可能是非常昂貴的,熱情明顯減弱。”處理遺產不僅僅是現金支付,”州長說,委員會的初步報告的最初的反應,而再次稱讚它為“我們兩黨共同努力進步的一個裏程碑正義和促進愈合。“現在政治美德信號的另一個經典的例子是通過立法機構——憲法修正案宣布加州人“基本人權足夠的住房。“每個人都知道,加州住房長期短缺,特別是對於數以百萬計的加州人,在最好的情況下,最低收入。短缺推高了房價,這是該州的主要因素非常高貧困和同樣高水平的無家可歸。擬議的修正案正在審議大會獲得委員會批準後,宣稱“這是州和地方政府的共同義務尊重、保護和實現這一權利,在非歧視和公平的基礎上,以逐步實現權利的充分實現,所有適當的方法,包括采用和修正案的立法措施,最大的可用資源。也許“高尚的情操,但這會如何影響住房危機?邁克爾·Tubbs斯托克頓現建議前市長紐森在貧困問題上,主張在CalMatters評論,它將迫使地方政府接受保障性住房項目,需要tenant-friendly法律如租金控製,使拆遷更加困難,並導致更多的政府直接投資房地產。 Perhaps it would, but not automatically. Assembly Constitutional Amendment 10 is full of the vague language that lawyers love because it requires lawsuits and judicial interpretations to have real-world meaning. In other words, it would invite even more litigation on an issue that is already awash in contentious legalism. The most bothersome aspect of ACA 10, however, is its assumption — as Tubbs suggests — that state and local governments have the innate ability to solve California’s housing dilemma. They don’t. Building enough housing requires, above all, lots of money, much more than those governments can muster on their own. That money can only come from private investors who must be persuaded that building homes and apartments in California will be reasonably profitable. Officialdom’s most important role is reducing the bureaucratic hassle and costs of such investment, as Newsom and the Legislature have sought to do through streamlining legislation. ACA 10 is not only virtue signaling but sends the wrong message to potential housing investors that California could make development even more difficult and potentially less profitable. Email Dan Walters of CalMatters at dan@calmatters.org . CalMatters is a nonpartisan, nonprofit journalism venture committed to explaining California’s policies and politics. For more columns by Walters, go to calmatters.org/commentary .
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